The Chase

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      "That was Cydney?!" Robyn asked frantically as they sped down the road.

"Just keep going!" Farah yelled.

"This is all my fault..." Dirk rocked back and forth in his seat in the back.

A red light stopped the cars in front of them.

"Turn-turn-turn-turn," Robyn muttered to themselves.

Their sweaty palms gripping the wheel shifted suddenly, turning the car to the left onto 2nd Ave., sending them all flying to the side.

Multiple car horns faded into the background.

They glanced up to the rear-view mirror and saw Don hanging out of the passenger's window with a gun, admittedly looking like he had just been tossed around, however.

"How is this your fault, Dirk?" Todd took his hand and turned to him.

Another red light! Union St.!

Farah clutched the dash and car door.

"Hang on!" Farah and Robyn shouted in unison.

A sharp left turn sent Dirk barreling into Todd.

As the car steadied itself into position Dirk flew back into the door on his side, Todd attempted to slow him down so his head wouldn't hit the window.

Forgive them for not wearing seatbelts up until this point. It's hard to think rationally in a car chase. But now they all realized that maybe they were a good idea...

"Everywhere I go, people die!" He cried as he fumbled with his seatbelt, gesturing for Todd to do the same. He looked at him in confusion before rationality struck.

"Hey!" Robyn yelled from the front. "I know this is hard for you right now but I need to concentrate on not getting us KILLED-"

The last part came out a disgruntled shriek as they swerved around a drunk man jaywalking.

Robyn saw an alley ahead, hoping they could lose Cydney and Don, they turned right into it. Not hopeful.

And they were right, they followed closely behind.

Cydney chased after them with full speed.

Don sat in the passenger's seat with the window rolled down, his head sticking out the side like a dog as he gripped tight to his sniper rifle.

"GET BACK IN THE CAR, DON!" Cydney yelled, tugging on his shirt.

Don squinted through the rifle's viewfinder, lining up the cross to Dirk's head in the back window.

"I've got a shot," he said.

"What? No!"

She turned left with Farah's car, narrowly making it in time to follow them.

With the turn, Don lost his shot.

"Damn it, Cydney!"

"We aren't trying to kill them."

"But you said-"


They turned left with them again.

They were silent for a second. Cydney focusing on the car in front of them.

"I've got a shot."

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