Double Double Toil And Trouble

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       To say that they were all nervous was an understatement.

Sure they had done illegal stuff in the past. Breaking and entering, many times, too many to count, having technically illegal/non-illegal weapons, killing people, although it was self-defense, in the real meaning of the word... but the point was they did nothing like this before. They actually might be put on a wanted list for a good reason this time.

So yeah, they were nervous.

Lines of elegantly dressed people formed outside the museum, and it became clear that this was going to be harder than they expected.

The bubbling bog of anxiety hung low in their stomachs, brewing like a witch's cauldron. Double double toil and trouble, The universe chanted in Dirk's head. Over and over again. Trouble echoing the loudest out of all of them. Something bad was coming. And he didn't know what. God, he never knew what.

"Ok, remember the plan?" Robyn asked from the driver's seat of Farah's car. Todd's laptop in their lap opened to the freshly hacked security footage.

They all nodded.

"Ok, then you know what to do. Get in, get out. I'll guide you with the earpieces. Now, try not to get arrested."

They all laughed nervously as they departed from the car. The cold evening air nipping their skin. Farah's much more than the others as she was dressed in a frankly scratchy slimming royal purple shimmering dress with off the shoulder straps and a slit up the leg. She looked gorgeous though.

They walked in separately, less suspicious that way.

Dirk and Todd walked with their elbows linked, as it seemed to be what all of the other classy couples did.

But that bubbling bog hadn't left his stomach.

The gas from the swamp of fear rising and taking over his body, Double Double Toil and Trouble. Angry swamp vines grew from his stomach and curled around his lungs, squeezing the air out of them. Toil and Trouble. The world was green, little specks popped in his vision like marshy mud bubbles. Trouble.

Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble.

Watch out Dirk Gently. Pay attention. Double Double Toil and Trouble. Keep an eye out. Pay attention. Be ready to RUN. Trouble's afoot. Double Double Toil and Trouble.

As they ascended the steps into the museum Todd noticed his arm shaking and looked over to see Dirk flapping his hands.

"It's gonna be ok," he leaned over and whispered. "We can do this."

They stopped walking and Todd unlinked his arm from Dirk's to turn to him.

"Take a deep breath with me," he said.

"Mmhmm," he gulped.

Todd hated that he had to stop Dirk, it shouldn't be a problem. But right now it would be a bit of a giveaway that he was nervous. The look on his face didn't help.

They took a few breaths, in for four, hold for four, out for seven. And despite their distance, it was as if they were one. A little golden thread attached their hearts, matching each other's rhythm and pace. Bringing Dirk back down to Earth. But just because he was back on Earth didn't mean he was ok.

The warm lights all around from streetlamps reflected in Todd's gorgeous eyes. He's so perfect, Dirk thought. And he looked up above his head for a second, it was funny. He almost laughed actually. For the moon was full and abnormally large tonight and it hovered over Todd's head like an angel's halo. How fitting, he thought, despite the fact that Todd called him "angel" in times of desperation. His Todd was still an angel. An angel who would always be there for him. How he loved his angel.

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