Help me

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This is serious...

I see that some of y'all ship Massachusetts, Maryland and Pennsylvania which makes no sense to me. How can three people dating? If they're trying to make out what's that third person doing? How can three people make out? I am confusion. You can't kiss two people at the same time. Can someone put this into terms that my dumb ass can understand? I just don't understand this concept, I feel like chameleon in a bag of skittles right now. Like if they were making out would two of them be kissing and the other just sitting there awkward waiting their turn? How would one of them not get super duper jealous? I know that I would be super jealous in that situation but then again I'm the jealous if my best friend is hanging out with some else then I'm gonna get super jealous and have ADHD and can only focus on one thing at once. I don't understand. Can someone please help me understand this? How do three people even come to dating? Like did one of the say "two's not enough, we need and third one"? What? I can barely focus on pleasing one person let alone two AT THE SAME TIME. If you can date two people at once then YOU HAVE SOME SERIOUS PATIENCE. Not the patience that I have. Please explain this to me.

Thank you for your time.

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