Alawaii Things, Headcanons, and Incorrect Quotes

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Alaska is touch starved and not used to physical contact.

When Hawaii put her hand on his face the first time he flinched so she moved her hand only for him to grab it and put it back on his face.

Hawaii can see that he's touch starved and tries to give him as much physical contact as he's comfortable with.

Alaska likes to be the one being held.

They cuddle a lot. More for cuddling than sex.

Hawaii likes putting her leis on him and stealing his hat.

Hawaii once convinced Alaska to build a blanket fort with her. They build a blanket fort over their bed and didn't take it down until it collapsed a week and a half later.

Hawaii likes dancing so she convinces Alaska to dance with her. She taught him how to Hula. They've also mastered the dip.

Alaska is very protective. Mess with Hawaii and you'll hear it from him.

Once they made pancakes at 2am.

Hawaii: You're jealous.

Alaska: Jealous?

Hawaii: That's why you were being so negative about this.

Alaska: That's absurd. I'm always negative.


Hawaii: Every time I have a conversation with you I waste hours of my life. You're just too interesting.

Alaska: I can stop being interesting. Watch this:

Alaska: [freezes]

Hawaii: Hello?


Hawaii: Okay, well now I have to stay here and see how long you can keep this up.


Hawaii: I keep thinking inappropriate sexual thoughts about you and I'm sorry.


Alaska: You were sober bartending last night, right?

Hawaii: Sorta. I remember you crying, ripping rose petals off the flower stem and slowly sprinkling them behind the bar at me and singing softly.

Alaska: Romantic.


Hawaii: My boyfriend is too tall for my to kiss him on the lips. What do I do?

Texas: Punch him in the stomach. Then, when he doubles over in pain, kiss me

Louisiana: Tackle him.

New York: Dump him.

Florida: Kick him in the shin.


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