The States React To Montero

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Florida: I wanna go to Montero. This shit looks nice.

Washington: This song is catchy.

Texas: Ew, that's gay.

Louisiana: Wait a damn minute? Did he die from getting A ROCK THROWN AT HIS HEAD?!

Illinois: Ope, is he dead?

Maryland: Oh my fucking god, he's fucking dead.

Utah: He's going to heaven? I was told this was going to be bad.

DC: Wait is he going to hell?

Utah: I spoke too soon.

Nevada: This will be me. Watch me pole dance to hell.

Texas: This is a sin.

Wyoming: He's dancing on the devil...

New York: Holy fuck! Lil Nas just murdered Satan!

Georgia: So is he the king of hell now?

California: If I go to hell and I don't get to reenact this, I want a refund.

Florida: So where can I buy Satan shoes?

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