Incorrect Quotes 3

415 24 12

DC: My house, my rules

Florida: My life, yo life

DC: Oh


DC: So what happened?

Florida: New York kicked me in face.

DC: Why did you kick him in the face?

New York: Bitch said what are those and I gave him a closer look.


California: Just guys being gay.

Texas: Just you being blocked


Florida, on the phone: Georgia, pick me up I'm dropping out.

Georgia: You've been in school for seven minutes.

Florida: Exactly. Too damn long.


California: Hey, do you know the password to Colorado's computer?

Florida: Fuck you, California.

California: Hey!!

Florida: No, you misunderstood, the password is "fuckyoucalifornia".

California: Oh, no numbers? Not very safe.


New York: Mentally I am ready for Christmas.

New York: Financially I am not really for Christmas.

Massachusetts: Mentally you’re ready for Christmas??? 


DC: I know you snuck out last night, Florida.

Florida, internally: Play dumb!

Florida: Who's Florida?

Florida, internally: Not that dumb!


Louisiana: I gotta look at the bright side. Maybe I’ll still get kicked out of school.

Florida: Maybe you could blow something up. They’re really strict about that.

Louisiana: I was thinking about a more subtle approach like, excessively not studying.


Nevada: Fortunately, I have stupid sexy little bitch disease so I never understand anything you guys are talking about.


Russia: I have an army.



Florida: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into the room.

Texas: Look, I’m not kissing anyo-

California: *walks in*


Texas: Fine, I’ll do it. I mean rules are rules.


Spain: This isn’t how I raised you.

Florida: Funny, I wasn’t aware you raised me at all.


Florida: I’m making a cookie pizza, anyone want to help?

Georgia: It’s a pizza made from cookies? Or is it just a giant cookie in the shape of a pizza? Or is it pizza with cookies on it? Or is-

Florida: Which answer will get you in the kitchen the fastest?

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