There's a Serial Killer in The House ~ Calivada, Texcali, WyomDC

580 13 6

Tw: gore, murder

It's almost 10:30, Nevada walks up to California's room door. He's hated him forever and wants him gone and he has the perfect idea. He knocks on the door, Cali opens it, "Hey. Is something wrong?"

"No," Nevada says, he looks California up and down. "You look lonely, I could put an end to that." Nevada bites his lip seductively.

"Uh, I don't know. I-" California starts but gets cut off by Nevada's lips.

"You could use a one-night stand," Nevada says. He pushes California into the room and closes the door.


Nevada falls onto the bed on his back, completely out of breath. He looks over at California, who looks tired. That poor unsuspecting soul, he has no idea what is going to happen to him.

Nevada waits until California falls asleep, he gets up and walks into the kitchen. He steps into the kitchen to find DC sitting at the island with his head on the counter and a cup of coffee in his hand, possibly asleep. "Shit," Nevada whispers, he sneaks to the knife block. He grabs the knife, before he can pull it out of the block, DC sits up. Nevada let's go of the knife and reaches for the cabinet.

"What are you doing, Nevada?" DC asks.

Nevada grabs a glass out of the cabinet, "Getting a glass of water." He pours himself a glass of water, as he's walking past the knife block he snatches a knife out of the block.

"What are you doing with that?" DC asks, he watches Nevada as he walks towards DC. Vada flips the knife and plunges it into the back of DC's neck, he instantly falls on the counter. Blood splatters on Nevada's hand, he pulls the out of DC's neck, blood runs down the back of his blazer. The knife is covered in blood, Vada wipes the blood on DC's blazer.

Nevada walks down the hallway, he gets to California's room, he pushes the door up. California is laying on his side, asleep. Nevada places the glass of water on the counter then sits on his knees on Cali's bed, he gently pushes California onto his back. Nevada presses the knife against California's throat, before he can drag the blade along the Golden State's neck he wakes up. Cali screams and pushes Nevada's arm away from him.

"Shit," Nevada mumbles, he straddles California and raises the knife. California screams as Nevada plunges the knife into his chest, right into his heart. Blood splatters on Nevada and the bed. Nevada pulls the bloody knife out of Cali's chest. California's breathing is gone, he's dead. He cold, dead eyes stare at the ceiling.

Texas is woken up by the scream, it sounds like a scream of terror, coming from California's room. Texas grabs his handgun out from under his pillow, he takes the safety off. He runs out of his room with the gun pointed at the floor. He kicks California's room door open to find Nevada straddling California with a knife in his hand and blood dripping off of it.

Texas aims the gun at Nevada's head, Nevada tilts his head up and drops the knife on the bed, "You should be happy, I killed the pretentious bastard." Nevada says while looking at the wall in front of him.

"Why should I be happy that you killed someone?!" Texas asks angrily.

"Cause you hate him." Nevada slowly moves his hand towards the knife.

Texas notices that Nevada is going for the knife and pulls the trigger. The bullet hits Nevada's temple, blood splatters on the wall beside him. Nevada falls side away off the side of the bed, opposite of Texas.

Texas drops the gun and runs to California, he looks down at the dead state. A tear runs down his cheek, he had feelings for Cali but never told him. Tex shuts California's eyes, "I wish I could have told you I loved you."

A scream comes from the kitchen, Texas grabs his gun and runs out of the room. He gets to the kitchen to find Wyoming standing there with his hands over his mouth and tears running down his cheeks. Wy runs to DC, he pulls his head off the counter. DC's eyes are still open but he's dead, Wyoming hugs his dead boyfriend, "Come back, please. You should have come to bed, baby come back."

Texas stands there, speechless. Nevada did this too. "Wyoming," Texas says softly.

Wyoming looks up at Texas, "What happened here? Who killed my baby?!"

"Nevada," Texas responds.

"How do you know?" Wyoming asks, tears still falling down his face.

"He killed California too, I saw him. I blew his brains out." Texas responds.

The other states run into the room, "I heard screams and a gunshot what happ-" Florida says but stops himself when he sees Wyoming holding DC's dead body. "DC..." Tears run down Florida's cheeks, he throws his arms around Louie and cries into his chest.


They decided to have an open casket a few weeks after everything happened. Wyoming cries on DC's casket for over thirty minutes. Texas is standing somewhat near California's casket holding a bouquet of poppies. He's barely containing his tears. After everyone leaves Texas lets his tears fall, he walks up to California's casket, he looks at Cali. He loved him, he loved him so much but was too afraid to tell him.

"I love you, Cali, I wish I could have saved you. I'm so sorry, if I could bring you back I would. You were my light even if you didn't know it, I love you, poppy." He places the bouquet on the casket, he sobs on the casket for what felt like an hour but was probably twenty minutes. Texas takes his hat off and places it on the coffin, he'd come back and get it later.

Texas makes his way back to the statehouse that is just down the street. He steps out of the building and it's pouring rain, how ironic. Tex gets back to the house, he treks up to California's room. After the police cleaned up the scene Texas put everything back in order, exactly how it was. Texas falls onto California's bed, he cries into the newly washed pillow until he falls asleep.

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