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I know that there is Canada, she was in one of the videos. Is their more? Is there an America? I have a headcanons about this;

France and America are dating.

Iran, Chile, Portugal, Nepal, and Finland are non binary.

Australia has a crush on Florida.

Louisiana is France's favorite.

France, Brazil, China, Australia,, Thailand, Italy, Singapore, Uganda, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Liberia, Guinea, Angola, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Romania, Peru, Afghanistan, India, North Korea, Indonesia, Germany, Cambodia, Croatia, Iceland, Czech, Ireland, Laos, Lithuania, Austria, Mali, Cameroon, Madagascar, Nigeria, Sweden, Poland, Greece, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Georgia, Mexico, Canada, Panama, Guatemala, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Bermuda, and Bolivia are all female.

The rest are male.

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