Part 4

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He gave up.

It was too much, it was stressful.

It weighed him down, made him feel...tired.

It was hard, almost impossible.

He tried, he really did.

But he was never successful.

It only ever ended in pain.

Pain, pain that came at least once a day, almost every day.

Because waking Kim Taehyung up meant being smacked in the face.

"Fuck off," Taehyung growled, one eye peeking open, glaring at Bogum.

Bogum held his nose, which he was 60% sure was broken, perhaps from Taehyung punching him in the face when he got too close.

He was just trying to wake the boy up, but it never ended well.

"You have to go to work, no special treatment. It doesn't matter how much I love you, I'm not giving you my money for you to not even show up," He sighed.

Taehyung groaned, "But I'm tired,"

Bogum quietly observed him as he woke up. He did indeed look tired. His face was slightly puffy, cheeks even more squishable than usual, his eyes were red and puffy too, purple circles decorating the underside. His neck was red, scratch marks, he had had another nightmare, Bogum supposed.

But probably the worst thing, was the hoodie he was wearing. Bogum knew what that meant. They had lost progress.

"Tae.....what time did you go to bed?"

"Um....what time is it?"


Taehyung laughed at himself, looking so drained, fucking tired, "Half an hour ago,"

Bogum should've seen it coming. Should've known that after seeing them, nothing good would happen, "Take the day off, it's the day after your birthday anyways,"

"No, Gummie, I'm fine, I'm used to running on low sleep anyways. All I need is some tea, because coffee is fucking disgusting, and I'll be fine," He muttered, but the way he swayed after trying to stand from his bed told Bogum otherwise.

When Taehyung's eyes drooped, and he stumbled forward, Bogum held his arms out, letting Taehyung fall into them.

"Aish," He muttered, dragging the, once again, sleeping Taehyung into bed. "I'll fucking kill them, look what they did to you,"

He sighed, shaking his head. He grabbed the little notepad, a penguin shaped one, and wrote Taehyung, saying that there was no need to come into work, that he should just take a day to take care of himself.

And since Bogum knew better than to trust Taehyung to take care of himself, he also wrote, saying he would be sending someone to check on him periodically through the day.

He hesitated to leave, not wanting to leave his best friend in the state he was in, but it's not like he was a replacable employee, he owned the damn company, and it needed him.

"Sleep well TaeTae," He muttered, before closing the door.


Taehyung woke up to a gentle knock on his front door, making him groan.

He got up with the blankets still wrapped tightly around his thin frame, pouting.

"Hello?" He croaked, voice rough.

"Um, hi. I'm Huening Kai, or just Kai. Mr. Park sent me here to check on you?"

Taehyung shrugged, leaving their door open, an invitation to come in. "Do what you need to, what did Bogum ask you to do?"

Kai smiled, "Mr. Park told me to make sure you've slept and ate! And he said shower, but....I don't...think I can help with that,"

"No, no you cannot. You getting paid for this?"

"Yes sir,"

"Then I want strawberry pancakes,"

Taehyung had heard about Kai. He should know the kid, but lately, he's been slacking and still has yet to meet many, many people he should have met weeks ago.

His shower was anything but relaxing like he wanted it to be. He thought about all the things that could go wrong in the day, all of the things
that had already gone wrong.

It ended up being a half an hour long shower, which was highly unusual for him.

He only even got out because Kai had knocked on the door, and said, "Mr. Kim? I made breakfast, I just wanted to let you know it's on the counter,"

"Thank you," Taehyung muttered after the first bite. He showered, but ended up wearing the same hoodie.

"No problem Mr. Kim! Not only is it my job, but I've heard wonderful things about you, and it makes me happy that I can help! May I ask though, why would I need to check up on you?"

He shrugged, "Gummie thinks I'm depressed, suicidal, and fucking insane,"

"Well are you?"

"2 of those things, yes,"

"Which ones?"

"None of your busines, good sir,"

Kai hummed, clearing his plate, "Just thought I'd ask, I didn't expect an answer anyways,"


"Yes Mr. Kim?"

Taehyung rubbed his templed, "First, I hate that, please....anything but Mr. Kim. That was my piece of shit dad. Secondly, is there anyway I could ask you to run to the store and get me some ibuprofen?"

"Yes sir!"

That made him cringe, "Nope. Taehyung will do,"

"Okay Taehyung!"

"Much better,"

He headed back into his bedroom as Kai left, knowing he would be a while. The store was walking distance, yes, but now the streets were flooded with people, making it much, much harder to navigate anywhere.

He pulled the hood of his sweatshirt up, snuggling further into his bed.

It took him less than a minute to pass out, arms securely wrapped around one of his pillows.


When Taehyung woke up for the third time, it was to rapid knocking on his door.

He grumbled, pulling the blankets back over his head.

The knocking grew faster.

Taehyung shoved his face into a pillow.

The knocking grew louder.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD I'LL BE RIGHT THERE," He shouted, looking sadly back at his oh so comfy blankets. Was it a crime to want to sleep all day every day?

He ripped the door open angrily, pout placed on his lips.

"The absolute fuck you want?" He said, before even looking at his guest.

"That's where my fucking hoodie went,"


hi hoes! 1012 words

lolll i love how ive felt like imma pass out since 7 at night, now its 11, but i still havent went to bed yet

love that

also wooo i made a frienddd

(is it weird that i feel weird? like dizzy? but not spinny dizzy? just dizzy?)

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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