Part 27

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"Were you watching me sleep?"

"What? N-no! I um-"

Taehyung groaned again, rubbing his head. "Fuck."

"Oh right, here!" Jimin grabbed the pain medication he had recently put on the night stand, along with a glass of water.

"Please stop yelling."

Jimin leaned forward to hand the items over. He recoiled quickly when Taehyung flinched.

"S-sorry," Taehyung muttered. "Just a little jumpy."

Though Jimin felt like his heart had split in two, he grinned. Quietly, he said, "It's alright! Do you need anything?"

"I'm okay for now," The glass trembled in Taehyung's hands. "Where's Bogum?"

"Ah, he um. He had a meeting. I don't know why or if that's normal-"

He paused when the glass slipped from the younger's hands, the covers now drenched in water.

Taehyung's bottom lip began to tremble, before he took a deep breath. "S-sorry. I-I-"

"Taehyung. Deep breathes. It's okay, it's not a big deal." Jimin tried to make his smile extra convincing, warmer and more comforting than he though possible.

"I-I'll go-I need to change the sheets," Taehyung sniffled quietly. He was clearly trying not to cry, and Jimin wanted nothing more in the world then to comfort him until he never had another worry again. "Sorry."

"Nothing to apologize for. Where are the sheets?"

"No I'll g-get them," Taehyung insisted, legs already untangled from the blankets.

"No. You sit down in the chair while I do it. I'll go get you a snack, I doubt you'll be back to bed anytime soon."

"Time? What's the time?"

"Um probably around midnight now."

Taehyung's face turned worried. "Jimin you should go home, it's so late."

It wasn't really last, not for him anyways, but he knew that Jimin never slept well, and the last thing he would want is to be an even further cause of that.

"I'm alright here my love, I promise I'm okay," Jimin cursed himself as the pet name slipped out. "Snack?"

"I'm good, t-thank you though."

Taehyung only sat quietly as Jimin rushed out of the room, knees drawn to his chest. He rocked back and forth on the still chair as his eyes wandered around the mostly dark room. Moonlight poured through the drawn curtains, perfectly illuminating area where he sat.

He used to love looking outside at night, when he couldn't sleep. When the voices grew too loud to ignore, and they plagued him and laughed as his eyes grew heavy, not heavy enough to close.

But now....he'd rather not look outside. Monsters lurked in the dark, something he had been reminded of. Monsters that looked so similar to those around him. Monsters that were disguised as humans, but he'd rather not give them the title. Monsters that found joy in ruining others lives, their happiness. Mentally messing them up in ways no therapist could ever understand, lest they been through it themselves.

Night was the monsters playground, and Taehyung aimed to avoid it always.

"Isn't it pretty?" Jimin was back, holding new sheets. They were ones he had gotten not long ago. Blue, plain.


"The night. Pretty."

Taehyung hummed, unconvinced. His voice was quiet, "Yes. Pretty."

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