Part 30

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Taehyung pouted.

Jimin said he'd be home-he'd be back, not home-by 6. Well, it was 5:59 and Jimin wasn't back yet.

He contemplated grabbing his phone and calling the elder, but shrugged the idea away due to laziness.

"Hey, I've got some work to finish. I'll be in my office if you need anything. Food's on the table." Bogum smiled.


Taehyung sighed. Why wasn't Jimin back yet?

He checked the clock again, 6:03.

Taehyung groaned in boredom. He reached for the TV remote and changed it to Modern Family, something he had recently gotten back into watching.

It worked for a little while, because he didn't look at the clock again until 6:31.

"God damn it Jimin," Taehyung muttered to himself. He pulled himself up and began searching for his phone, a more strenuous task then he wanted to do. Moving was a challenge, "Found it!"

He unknowingly had a pout placed on his lips as he dialed the familiar number. It rang once. Again. And again.

No answer.

Taehyung angrily (sadly) shoved his phone in his back pocket and stomped to the kitchen.

The food was cold by now, so he put it back into a pan and turned on the stove. He watched it, sighing occasionally.

"Just one more time." He pulled out his phone and called Jimin again. He put it on speaker and stirred the food.


That wasn't Jimin's voice.

Taehyung stilled, "Who am I talking to?"

"None of your concern."

"It is, because you just answered my boyfriend's phone," Fuck, he hadn't meant to say that.

"Jimin has a boyfriend?" The man paused, before he began yelling, "Jimin I thought you were with Taehyung? Jimin what the fuck? You come over and give me this long ass speech about how he deserves better and how I should call him and you have a fucking boyfriend? Are you fucking with me?"

Jimin's voice flooded over the phone, an instant relief to Taehyung's nerves, "Well I don't know who the fuck called-oh it's Taehyung. Tae?"

"Jimin where are you? You said you'd be ho-you'd be back almost an hour ago!"

"I'm sorry my love, I got a little side tracked. I'll be back soon, yeah? I promise before you go to bed."

"But the food!"

"The food will be fine. Eat without me, I have to talk to Jin some more and then I'll be on my way, sound good?"

"You're with Jin? Jimin please just come back." How hadn't he recognized Jin's voice? How hadn't Jin recognized his?

"I'll be back before you know it! I love you!"

"Wait Jimin-"

The phone beep cut him off. He sighed.

He though about what Jin had been yelling, and almost smiled.

Jimin went to Jin's for him? To try to get him answers?

Taehyung smiled and didn't stop smiling until he started eating.


"I'm back!" Jimin yelled into the quiet house.

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