Part 21

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It wasn't much, Namjoon wasn't rich like Jin or Hoseok.

But he put a lot of thought into it and hoped his effort would pay off.

Taehyung didn't like extravagent events anyways. Yeah, he liked expensive clothes, and tended to lean towards flashy accessories, but he liked simple things when it came to dates. If he remembered correctly.

His studio had been cleaned thoroughly, his equiptment neatly organized and placed perfectly. He set up a small fold-up table in the corner, 2 comfy (ish) chairs on either side. A single rose sat on the table, as well as homemade food. Jin's, not his. Jin didn't know who it was for, he wasn't willing to spill, but didn't question Namjoon either way.

He had ordered LED lights, the ones with over 12 color options, and hung them around the room. Some lining the ceiling, some hanging from the walls over the couch, and another strand over the door. He may have spent over $100 just on the lights, but he had to admit, they were very pretty.

(a/n: im writing a very angsty vminxtaegi book at the moment and i know namjoon doesnt deserve shit rn, but i need to write fluff and i want it to be taejoon so.....yeah. be angry that tae's being nice or dont give a shit, its happening either way)

"It's pretty," Taehyung said, in lieu of a greeting. He had his hands in his pockets, awkwardly looking around the room. He didn't really want to look at Namjoon, he felt weird. He had said yes when Namjoon asked him out, but he still felt that he shouldn't have said yes to anyone in the beginning. Doubt was creeping back into his mind, no matter how often Jimin made sure he felt loved, doubt lingered.

When Namjoon whipped around, scared at Taehyung's sudden entrance, he only stared.

Taehyung was absolutely gorgeous. He clearly didn't put much effort into his clothes, simply clad in jeans and a sweater, but he was just so effortlessly stunning, he took Namjoon's breath away.

"Please don't stare," Taehyung muttered, rubbing his arm uncomfortably.

"S-sorry. Um. I wasn't sure what to do, I um. I don't think I have the right to take you on an actual date yet, and I want you to enjoy yourself. And I know you love, or use to at least, you love music and the process of creating music, so I thought that maybe you'd like to help me with some stuff?"

Taehyung nodded, "I'd like that. But, you did promise me food, and I haven't eaten today so I-"

"Why haven't you ate? Taehyung you need food," Namjoon had always been protective, making sure he was warm (or cool, depending on the season) and had a snack on him at all times.

"Don't tell me what I need, I'm not a child," Taehyung glared. He was sick of people babying him, he was a grown-ass adult, not an infant. He didn't need people to remind him how to take care of himself.


"Namjoon, don't," He warned, sufficiently shushing the elder, "Don't push it."


It was, unsuprisingly, awkward.

For a while, Namjoon did nothing but stare awkwardly clear his throat, not knowing what to say. He wasn't used to being like that with Taehyung. It was no secret to him that Taehyung looked up to him in a way, and was always to welcoming and warm and lovey with him.

So for him to be given the cold shoulder was a rude awakening for Namjoon.

"I know Jin made this," Taehyung said, trying to hide his grin. Namjoon was adorable, not matter how much he tried to deny it. It was cute that he was trying, though that doesn't mean Taehyung was ready to forgive him, "So thank you for not trying to poison me."

"How could you tell?" Namjoon asked, almost in awe. He figured Taehyung could tell that he didn't make it, but to know exactly who did?

Taehyung shrugged, "Jus' can. So, thank you again. But before anything else-"

The elder held his breath, preparing for harsh words and harsher actions.

"-I wanted to say something. I don't want to ruin this, because I'd rather save the important talk for later, but it still needs to be said. You hurt me. That's not okay. If you ever make me feel worthless, shitty, useless or anything akin to that ever again, even if you just stand by and watch, I will not be as forgiving. I will not ever talk to you again, I'll forget you exist. I'm not spending another year of my life holed up in my room debating whether my life is worth living or not. Understand?"

"I-I understand but-"

"I have repeated myself..3 times now? Yeah, 3 times. If you make me say it to you twice, I will walk out of this room right now."

Namjoon said nothing more, pretend zipping his lips and throwing away the key.

Taehyung's smile returned tenfold, and he leaned over the table to pinch Namjoon's cheek, "I want to have fun okay? I can be mad at you later."

"Of course, anything!"

Namjoon cleared their plates and gave Taehyung a nervous grin, "I um, have a few songs. If you wanna listen to them? I made them a while ago, almost a year ago. They're- I had made them for you."

It made Taehyung blush slightly, even though it wasn't the first time Namjoon had made a song for him. He actually listened to them-along with the ones Yoongi, Hoseok, and even Jungkook had made- for the first 3 months after everything happened. Once in a while, he would find himself reaching for a specific playlist when he was in his own head.

"I would love to."

Namjoon led him to his desk, and let the younger sit down while he scrolled through his files. He was leaning over the chair, one hand just behind Taehyung's shoulder. Unknowingly, he had basically cornered Taehyung.

Taehyung shivered slightly when Namjoon's hand accidentally brushed the back of his neck, now red down to his chest. "Joonie," He mumbled, "Um-"

"What? Is there something you need?" Namjoon's voice was always low, sometimes too low to really hear. It was always pleasant and deep, soothing. It sent another shiver down Taehyung's spine, the younger inching down the chair, hating how flustered he was.

"C-can you-um. Can you m-move away a bit?" Taehyung didn't have to look over his shoulder to know that Namjoon had a smug smirk. Bastard.


"Namjoon," He said (read: whined). It made Namjoon laugh, still low and deep and it made Taehyung want to lay on his chest and not move for hours. Ugh, fuck feelings. He's supposed to be angry.

"Fine fine," Namjoon leaned back, enough that it felt like Taehyung could breathe again. "This is the folder they're in. They're all for you, whichever one."


1168 words hoes

i finished this chapter (finally omg it took for fucking ever i am so sorry) but i havent been liking how anything is turning out recently.

idk if its because im just shit at writing now, or ive been reading so much actually good writing that i feel like shit about my own, or something else.

i think im gonna finish Dream soon (its not gonna end how i originally planned, but idk anymore) and then work on this and Obsessed, but not publish anything new for a while

i wanted to publish something for Yoongis bday tomorrow, but idk

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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