Eli's Mommy

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Jess and Eli were casually wandering around trying to get a feel for the new planet they would call home. As of yesterday the cure was being made, which obviously made the couple happy.

As of now the current healthy couple was on their way to the planets hot springs, well Enzo called them sky pools since they were in the sky. The two were casually walking the pathway up the mountain to them. "Jess thanks a lot for y'know helping with the cure, it means a lot" Eli glanced down at the female who smiled up at him. "Anytime baby boy, besides I wanted to save you so I'm happy your gonna be cured" She looked forward after saying that as a small blush rose on Eli's cheeks. 'Baby boy' he thought. "Jess if I gave you a nickname what would you want it to be" He mumbled glancing to the side before looking straight forward. "Mmmmm, what about Mommy" She smirked as he jumped staring down at her. The both stopping in their tracks. "W-what Jess I can't call you that" Eli was surprised with what the woman he loved said to him. "Oh Cmon Eli, it's not that bad, call me mommy" She stood on her tippy toes asking for a kiss. "Fine m-mommy" he gave the female a small peck blushing lightly pulling away. Jess smiled and pat his hair before walking again. "Anyway Eli just call me Baby or babe or wifey if we aren't having sex. But you always call me mommy in bed" She laughed as Eli started stuttering nonsense before running ahead. The tall male calming himself and running after.

The two adults reached the top of the hill. Jess smiled and laughed as Eli took deep breaths. He was tired. 'How does this woman have so much stamina' he thought to himself looking at the smiling female. Jess turned and locked eyes with Eli who was casually staring at her in awe. "Eli, promise you won't leave me. Please" Jess stared at him her smile barely fading. "Jess I'm not leaving you, we've been through a lot hell I'm currently dying, but you've saved me and well willingly dated me. I didnt think we would ever actually date. So thank you" Eli pat the pinkettes hair and smiled. Her eyes tearing up as she heard his words. "Sorry I'm going soft, I don't want you seeing me cry" She wiped her tears and smiled at him. "That just proves you trust me enough to act weak around me" He held her hand as they continued to walk up the small path to the sky pools.

Jess was quiet she was just enjoying the moment of peace. She felt like she could just stop worrying and stay calm. To her Eli was a save spot, where she never had to feel like she had to be this sweet woman, or act like she loved the world. The same went for the white haired male, Jess was somewhere he could be himself and just let himself go. He could be a crackhead with her. Well not like he's ever a crackhead.

The two got to the pools Jess reaching and pulling off her shirt as Eli stared at the female. His eyes wandered to her chest. It was smaller but he liked that. His eyes trailed down as if he was trying to memorize her body without touching her. He loved her thighs they always look so comfy, like a pillow.

Jess looked over locking eyes with the male realizing how he was looking at her. "Eli~ I know you think I'm hot but those eyes and that look might betray you" She moved over and ran a finger down his chest as she spoke. His eyes watching her every move. "J-Jess please don't be a tease" He mumbled, nervous as hell at what the woman could do to him. She smiled pulling his hand and getting into the hot spring like pool. He smiled and pulled his hand away nervously pulling his shirt off and joining her.

Jess lightly pushed the white haired male down so he was sitting at the edge of the pool. "Eli, no your baby boy now. I hop you can handle me" She smiled at him leaning in kissing him as her hands finally began to travel.

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