Hell's Frozen Over

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Beanz and Orion sat outside a room as Hoku cried inside. The female wanted to be alone and that's what the two were giving her.

Especially since they found out Quenzicotal didn't die.

Orion stood up after being in the hallway for maybe 3 hours now. "I'll be back, I wanna talk to Remi. Let me know if she leaves I don't want her walking around without someone there, I trust you kid but I know my brother" Beanz stared at the male and nodded. "Alright though knowing Hoku she'll be in there for a while, if ya see Jess tell her to come find me" Beanz spoke as Orion nodded heading down the hall.

Once Orion was gone Beanz stared at the door to the room Hoku was in. Not seeing the female walk up behind them. "Beanz can we talk, it's about what happened" the non-binary turned and saw the black and white haired female glaring at them. "I want your story, because I can't believe what I've heard" Remi leaned on the wall next to Beanz. "What did you hear and I'll explain" Remi looked down, a small sigh leaving her lips as Beanz glanced at her.

"Hoku wouldn't rape someone, so why is my twin saying she did. I know she wouldn't. And why did you shoot my brother, I wanna know the whole story" Remi clenched a fist and stared down. Beanz stared at Remi eyes wide at the fact that she heard the one thing that was crazy. "No Hoku didn't me and Orion saw everything,  he took her in an alley and fucked her without consent. I shot him to save Hoku" Beanz looked at Remi who nodded in understanding. "I knew she wouldn't but still I just, I understand how Hoku feels. Tell her I said I know what happened and I'll handle it, I'll let Jess and Enzo know as well" Remi pushed off the wall as Beanz nodded and watched her walk off and looked in the room Hoku was resting in seeing her looking out the window.

Hoku turned and smiled weakly at Beanz. "Thank you" Hoku mumbled as Beanz walked in closing the door behind them before moving to take a seat next the the girl. "It's my job to protect you" They stared out the window mumbling a small 'I love you' before closing their eyes. Hoku who heard the words blushed and stared at Beanz. "I love you too, more than you think" Hoku put her hand on Beanz head as the other stared at her smiling a little. "So how do you feel" Beanz and Hoku stared as the other looked away breaking eye contact. "It hurts but I'll be ok, it'll take time but I just hope I don't see him again" Beanz nodded and leaned forward. "Remi knows by the way, she's gonna tell Jess and Enzo, hopefully Enzo can handle his son" Hoku nodded. "Beanz can I talk to you" Beanz nodded and turned to Hoku. "Will you-" Hoku was cut off as the door slammed open revealing Jess, Enzo and Remi.

"I'll kill him Hoku, just give me the word and he's dead" Jess walked over and leaned next to her friend who was pouting. "We aren't killing him child there are fates worse then death" Enzo sat on the bed as Remi followed him shutting the door. "I agree with Enzo maybe something more torturous would be nice, I can tear his tongue and dick off" Remi added as she leaned on the door. "Not what I meant Remiru" Enzo said as Remi shrugged.

"Don't kill the guy, just I don't know. I don't want someone to loose their life cause of me" Hoku turned around fully and sat on the window seal as Beanz let out a loud sigh. "Does this place Ben accept the death penalty? Or do you just torture people" Beanz look at Enzo who nodded. "We haven't used a death penalty in years, but I can probably get one, normally punishment is up to the Victim" Enzo looked at Hoku. "I don't know, what about exile" The four looked at Hoku with faces of 'what the fuck' before Enzo sighed. "I'll get the preparations made then, the second he stands he'll be taken away" Enzo stood and nodded to the brunette who smiled slightly.

Once Enzo left the 4 got quiet. "Hoku can I say something to you" Remi mumbled and looked over seeing Hoku nod at the wolf. "I know what your going through we both do, I just want you to know you're not alone. If I could I'd have him leave now. But Hoku I'll be right here for you, just let me know and you'll have me by your side" Hoku stared at the wolf, who never really spoke to her often. So to her hearing that was an accomplishment. "Thank you Remi, but what do you mean by you both know" Remi went to speak when Jess cut her off. "Estrella is my actual daughter, her father raped me so I would have his child" Hoku stared at Hess surprised as Beanz looked over. "Does Eli and Estrella know" Jess nodded. "Eli is processing things at the moment and Estrella wanted to give me space so she's with Loki, I don't know about Remi though" Remi sighed. "I was sex trafficked as a child, after my mom died that's really all I knew till halfway through middle school, that's when I met Marcus and he got cops to save me, since then I lived with foster parents and a foster sister, so um yeah" Remi looked away as Hoku nodded. "I'm sorry, both of you" Hoku looked to the side and sighed quietly. "So what do we do now".

Jess spoke up first. "Wait for Enzo and then me Hoshi and Remi are telling everyone our secret. But there is other news. Xander's alive that's why Hoshi didn't come with us" Jess looked at Hoku and Beanz questioning faces and sighed.

"I'll make this simple, guys me, Hoshi and Remi are the impostors" Jess watched as Hoku and Beanz stared. "I knew you guys were" Beanz looked out the window as Hoku got up. "Wait but if you say something won't they kill you guys" Remi nodded. "Probably, but I know someone would be there for Borkie, I'm prepared it took us all day to come to this decision, so we decided to do it sooner than later" Hoku looked down nodding. "But who said we would die, we wanna vote if you all trust us we'll stay if not we can leave, though now that Xander is back Hoshi might want time with him so we should probably wait a while before telling everyone" Jess looked at Remi who nodded a simple yes in agreement.

"Give them a month and wait till the others find out, if they find out in a month then let them say it, if not you guys tell em, but my lips are sealed" Beanz looked at the two who nodded as Hoku looked at Beanz. "Ima just say it with them here" Beanz looked at Hoku and raised an eyebrow. "What? You ok" Hoku nodded.

"Beanz will you be my significant other, and yes I'm serious"

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