Why the fuck...

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((Time to get this stared and just so you know I know it's a lot of new people. But yea um this is what happens when you ask for tons of new characters... so anyway let's get on with it

Things started normal everyone was doing tasks. Well mostly Eli is currently staring at the kid he found asleep in a corner of shields. "Hey are you ok? Please tell me your not dead" He shook the kid awake and stared wide eyed as the kid spoke to him in Japanese. Where's Marcus when you need him. "Um I don't speak Japanese? Do you know any English" He stared at the kid in a black suit just staring at him. "A little" What the first thing he said. "What's your name? I'm Eli" Eli sat down in front of Kei. "Kei" they responded staring lightly. "Nice to meet you Kei" He smiled at the boy and Kei smiled back as Eli stood helping him up. He began leading Kei through the hallways and finally found someone he though spoke Japanese, Marcus. "Marcus great question do you speak Japanese" Eli asked needing hope he can have someone translate. "Eli, I'm Korean" Marcus sighed. "Remi is half Japanese ask her" Marcus didn't know what to do. But now he's stuck thinking he looks Japanese and not Korean.

Eli who finally found Remi. Well she was curled up with Mel in a corner as Hoshi was attempting to make a point. "Why is it weird! Japanese people think being called a rat is just like the N word" Hoshi spoke out. "Stop saying that....I'm Japanese" Remi was pouting. "I can't believe I called you a rat, I am so sorry" Mel mumbled glancing at Remi. "It's ok...but why Hoshi" Remi was just tired of this. "Remi I need help" Eli walked over Kei just walking being him.

"Yeah? Who's that" Remi glanced behind him staring at Kei. "Translate, their Japanese" Eli moved Kei infront of him so Remi and Kei could chat. "ここであなたのOKを子供と何もあなたがちょうどあなたのタスクを行い、病気はあなたを助ける傷つかない" she smiled. (It translates to, Child your ok here and nothing will hurt you just do your tasks and I'll help you). "ところで私の名前レミ" she spoke and no one knew what they were saying. (It's Btw my name is Remi) "ありがとうレミ" They smiled as the two spoke. (Thank you Remi). Kei seemed a little more comfortable now. And the rest were just confused. Jess and Estrella walked in and Estrella ran over hugging Eli's leg. "Dad! Can I have icecream" Estrella gave the puppy eyes and Eli looked towards Jess who shook her head no. "Not right now maybe later ok hun" Eli picked her up as she kept pouting. Remi glanced over and smiled waving at Jess. "Hey tiny momma" Jess spoke towards Remi and laughed. "Also who's this" She glanced at Kei smiling seeing how nervous he was. "Oh this is Kei they're another one of the ships crewmates" Eli said motioning for Kei to know it was ok. "I'm their translator since they're Japanese" Remi smiled saying that. "Alright anyway I'm done with my tasks so ima just hang out here. Remi don't overwork yourself" Jess gave Remi a glare as Remi nervously laughed. "I'm already done I'm just hanging out with Mel and Hoshi. Besides Mel's helping me with some great parental advice" Remi smiled towards Mel. "Yeah besides she's nice to talk to" Mel and Remi fist bumped as Beanz and Hoku walked in. "Oh hey everyone! You all done with tasks too" Hoku asked as Beanz waved. "Yeah we all finished, Hoku Beanz meet Kei" Hoshi laughed lightly the others smiling as everyone sat down. "Hi Kei I'm Hoku and this is Beanz" Hoku held her hand out and Kei shook it smiling as Beanz gave a tiny wave towards Kei. "Beanz having a mute moment?" Hoshi asked smiling towards Beanz. And beanz nodded in return. "Yeah but they told be they'd be fine through Morse code" Hoku laughed as the group was talking to them selves.

Julius was with his dad, it was weird. His dad was looking through all the vials of different stuff. "Dad, can we talk" Julius stopped what he was doing as stared. "Of course what's going on Julius" His dad sat down looking at him. "Why did you suddenly wanna go on a ship together? Why are we suddenly doing stuff together" He stared at his father. As much as Julius looked up to him they didn't get to hang out often because his dad was busy. "Because son, your gonna end up married with kids one day and I'll be here. I wanna be able say I got to know my son before he's off living the way he wants to" Aaron stared at his boy and sighed. "You know I love you Julius so let me just get to be with you, as father and son" Julius stared at his dad and hugged him. "Fine old man. But also I'm mad, well more pissed" He glanced at his dad. "Talk to me boy" His father stared at him and stayed quiet letting him talk. "I..I'm jealous, I know I told Hoshi to stay away, then I apologize and now I'm a jealous bastard over some Xander guy. Like I could beat his ass that's how pissed I am" He sighed and ran a hand down his face. "Julius I know your angry but how would Hoshi feel if you suddenly pick her best friend. And You want Hoshi happy right, so keep her happy that's why you have charm" He stared at his son as Julius sighed. "I know. Sorry dad" He sighed rubbing the back of his head as his dad laughed. "No your a kid still it's just relationship problems" Julius sighed as his dad pat his head. Then the door opened revealing Cayde. "Oh hey pinky" Julius glanced at his friend the only one from the group he kept in contact with. "Oh hey Juli, gotta ask you something" Cayde stared at his friend as Juli nodded telling him to continue. "What's going on with Remi? And that Marcus guy who's way too protective" Cayde looked jealous. "One Remi is pregnant, two Marcus is her bestfriend and basically Loki's dad" Julius said sighing. "I thought you knew she was pregnant, I mean from what I overheard Remi and the girls talking about last night it's yours" Julius stared as Cayde didn't respond. "There's no way. And she didn't tell me" He stared at Julius. "Obviously I mean do you know how hard it is to contact you, and maybe she didn't wanna ruin your relationship I mean you do have a girlfriend" He stared at Cayde as he sighed. "She should've told me. And I swear if that Bastard is gonna try to father my kid I'll whoop his ass" Cayde definitely seemed pissed. "Boys stop gossiping like little girl, she had her reasons and don't get violent over it. Now why don't we all head to cafe you can talk to her there Cayde" Julius' dad smiled at the boys as the headed to cafeteria. 'I'm sorry Remi I know you said not to tell him but it honestly slipped' Julius thought as he could feel the rage seeping off of Cayde. "Things are gonna get so rough" Julius mumbled. Why the fuck are people stupid.
Double upload for Beanz creator! I love you hun! And I'll be honest the Japanese portion was through google translate so sorry if some things are wrong. But anyway! I plan to try to give all the characters equal attention and try to tighten some relationships in the process but yes you all will get your death soon. Anyway hope you all like and love you all!

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