New home, new people

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The group walked out of the ship Remi holding Borkie, the new born who Marcus said was ok. Julius stared at the area around them. "Where are we" their masks were cracked but since they weren't dying they knew they had oxygen. "Hey Hoku can I see that notebook" Ezra held out his hand as Hoku nodded handing it over. "The books describing where we are so I'd say we're at the book" Ezra smirked closing the notebook handing it back Kei laughed at Ezra's and at of knowing where they were. Making Ezra smile knowing he made them laugh. They were ok. But what did they crash into and where do they go. "Is anyone hurt" Hoshi said popping her back with Julius' help. "Everyone seems fine" Marcus said glancing around. Though Remi was glancing around them. "Marcus hold her please" She handed Borkie over and cracked her knuckles. She walked forward before spitting and punching something. Well someone. She was already holding Borkie hiding behind Marcus with Loki. They saw people come out, but they looked like Remi. But taller.

The group got more protective. Mel decided to speak up. "Look we don't wanna be any trouble our ship crashed and we're just trying to find help" Mel realized they were just strong more intrigued. "Um i apologize for the inconvenience but do you guys have anywhere safer we have kids with us and my daughter was just born" Remi walked out from behind Marcus holding Borkie in her arms. She wasn't afraid in this situation. "Miss what's your name, what's your status" Remi tilted her head. "I'm Remiru Akinori and This is Borkie, my status well I dunno" She smiled. And then she was being dragged off. "Wait you can't take mom! Let me go with" Loki tried to run after but the people didn't let him. "We will take you all somewhere safer but please follow the rules" One guys said. He was tall and seemed like he would kill them at any second. The group followed and saw another wreckage. "Wait can we check that out" Kei said glancing over. "Of course" The male led the group over and saw a male helping two others out. "Cmon Tannen, your fine, we can get you treated soon" The guy helped the other out before standing. He turned seeing people. "Um hi I'm sorry we wrecked into another ship and crashed here" He was kinda nervous. You could tell. "It was our ship, so who are you guys" Mel said glancing at them. "Oh I'm Louis this is Tannen and this is Laika" He pointed at two guys. The one on the left, Tannen, Cradled his arm, it was probably broken but he waved a little. The other one, Laika, just smirked. Before winking at Julius. "Nice to meet you".

They new guys were dragged along to a larger home. "This is where your friend is go on in". The gang of people walked in seeing Remi talking with someone. "Thank you I'm sure they would love to hear the new" Remi bowed her head lightly sighing. "Hey Remi" Hoshi ran up to her and smiled hugging her and kissing Borkie head. "How my babies" She smiled. "I'm fine Borkie is just sleepy" Remi smiled.

"Guys meet my father, This is Enzo" She motioned to the male who just gazed at them. And stopped looking at Hoshi. "Hinara, I thought you died" He stood as he spoke and felt tears. Hoshi was wide eyed. "You knew my mom" She was surprised and didn't think she'd meet someone who knew her mother. "Oh I'm so sorry, I thought you were Hinara, yes I knew her, she was my first ever love but I obviously gave her up for your father" Enzo sighed and smiled. "Now as for everyone here you'll be escorted to a smaller area for you all, besides most of our people may not like you all" Once he said that he stared at Jess. "And you must be Leviathan's daughter I remember when you were a baby" He smiled as Jess stared. This guy knew their parents. And they didn't know any of that.

"Now my friend Angel will take you to your homes, do rest well" He smiled as they were led out. Remi stayed behind with Her dad. "So Enzo you know mom didn't make it but, I didn't know that you left her" She wasn't mad she was more confused. "I found out a little while after I was still in love with Hinara, I couldn't do that to your mother" He walked over hugging her. Obviously being careful of Borkie. "The father is still watching over you and Borkie, and Remiru I love the name" He smiled patting her head, Remi smiled back. "I'm happy to know Cayde is at least watching Borkie but he deserved his death, besides Borkie has Marcus and the others" Enzo nodded. "That boy better treat you right now run along" Remi nodded and left finding the other just having fun. And she saw the new boys. So she went to introduce herself. "Um hey! I'm Remi you guys must be the newbies" She smiled at the boys who nodded in return. "Oh hello there pleasure to meet you, and who's this" The male with the curly brown hair smiled at Borkie who let out tiny baby noises. "Oh this is Borkie my baby, and what's your name" She smiled as he seemed really good with kids, he had the dad vibe. "Oh I'm Louis, I, can I hold her" Louis was so just happy to see the baby and Remi nodded handing her over. "Hi there, look at you so freaking cute" Louis was busy with the cute baby, while Tannen and Laika just stared. "Oh well now that he's busy, I'm Laika the pleasures all mine" He laughed shaking her hand. Laika definitely seemed flamboyant to her, which she enjoyed it was cute and amazing. "I'm Tannen, that's the easier name, it's nice to meet you so is this your home" Tannen jumped to the point. "Oh no I'm earth born, but my dads the alpha, I think that's what they say, huh anyway yeah no I'm just a half breed" Remi smiled. "Oh ok so none of us know this place well at least that answers something" Tannen laughed. "Well ima take Borkie and go lay her down for a nap before she becomes murderous" Louis handed Borkie over as Remi walked away. Now they were just tryna figure things out. At least they had somewhere to stay and no one died.

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