"Hey, Luna. Are you ready bud?"

"Oh yeah, I'm ready to let's go."

He laughed a bit before leading me to the car and entering it. I did the same and rode shotgun (Am I the only one thinking of the vine?) The ride was about ten minutes long before we made it to the school. It already seemed better than my old one but I knew that looks can be deceitful so I didn't want to judge it by how it looked. I unbuckled myself and looked at my dad.

"Alright, the front office is up there." He said pointing to it. "Have fun and don't get into trouble alright sweetie?"

"Don't worry dad I'll try I'll see you later," I said hugging him.

I exited the car and went to the front office. I hesitated before opening the front door and stepping into the office. I walked up to the front desk to find a young lady on a computer typing something into it. She took a glance at me before stopping.

"Oh hey, I didn't notice you there. How can I help you today?" She said greeting me.

"I-I umm sorry for disturbing you but can I have my schedule please."

"Alright, one second...name?"

"Luna Sanders."

She soon printed the schedule and handed it to me.

"Here you go have a nice day!"

"You too..." I said before walking away.

I had science first so I tried to navigate my way to the right room while reading the thing off quietly to myself. Before I knew it I bumped into someone causing us to crash to the floor.

"Ugh, that's gotta hurt. Hey, kid are you alright?" The person said getting up.

"I-I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to b-bump into you l-like that! I wasn't l-looking were I was going and-" I stammered panicked.

"Hey, it's alright really you're lucky I wasn't someone else. Here let me help you."

They held out their hand and I grabbed onto it as they lifted me off of the ground. I didn't get it. Why weren't they mad? I didn't know. They also picked up my schedule and handed it to me.

"My name is Evie what's yours?" She said with a grin.

Evie was wearing a light green sweater with black leggings and glasses. She was carrying a library book in hand. Her hair was a light brown and was longer than my own. She looked nice and she was kind to me. No, what am I thinking I just met her. I sighed before I told her.

"M-my names Luna it's nice to meet you, Evie. I'm sorry again for running into you like that I wasn't paying attention."

"It's alright Luna I don't mind. Hey, wanna maybe become friends?" She asked.

"Yeah sure maybe I can run into ya again," I said with a nervous laugh.

She chuckled back slightly.

"Yeah, maybe we should meet at lunch. What classes do you have?"

"Let's see I have science in a bit then math."

She suddenly gasped as I said math.

"We have the same math class together. Maybe we can talk more then!"

"Maybe we will!"

As soon as I said that the bell rang and we bid our goodbyes. After that, the classes went by quickly until lunch. I started to get nervous once more because I thought I might screw up like I did the first time. Once the lunch bell rang I grabbed my notebooks and put them in my bag and closed it. I picked up the bag and threw it over my shoulder and walked out of the classroom. The hallways were somewhat crowded until I have gotten into the cafeteria. I started searching my pockets for money and didn't find any. I gave up searching for money. Instead, I was looking for their table.

"Luna! We're over here!" I heard a familiar voice call.

I just stood there.

'Luna what are you doing go over there!' Lexi said in my mind.

I shook my head and went over to their table. There were two boys and another girl already seated at the table.

"Eve? Who's this?" One of the boys said.

"Guys this is Luna! We sorta bumped into each other first period. Luna this is Jackson, Brody, and Addi."

"Hey..." I said shyly.

They greeted me back and we had some small talk like 'what's your favorite colors and stuff like that. Until Evie noticed that I didn't have any food.

"Hey, Luna why don't you have any food?" She asked with a bit of concern in her voice.

"Oh that...I must've left my money at home." I said awkwardly.

"You should've said something about it, Luna," Brody said to me.

I began to feel embarrassed that I didn't say anything about it.

"Sorry...I wasn't paying attention I guess."

Addi then split her sandwich in half and gave one half to me.

"Here you should take this," Addi said.

"Oh...are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's better than what they're swerving today anyway."

I laughed softly at her comment before taking the half.

"Thank you."

"No problem kid." She said with a smile.

Once lunch was over we bid our goodbyes and went to our classes. School went by quickly after that. Nothing much happened except a couple of students wanted to sit by me and asked for my name. I knew that they were the popular kids because it was obvious how they acted around me and a couple of others. I was relieved when the final bell rang. It looked like this would be a better and worse chapter in my life that has just begun...







(A/n: Yay! Another chapter is done and over with! That's all I have to say so bye💜)

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