Chapter 15 The Call

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_Thomas's POV_

I left the room once I saw the number call me. It was Joan so I answered it.

"Hey, Joan! How's it going bud?" I said in a cheerful voice.

"I'm alright have you adopted anyone yet?"

"Well, actually I have."

"Really? Maybe we should meet up sometime so Tayln and I can get to know them better you know."

"Alright, what time-"

"ROMAN! GO LEFT YOU IMBECILE!!!" Lexi shouted.

"I AM LEXI!!!" Roman said back.

"Whoa- how many kids did you get Thomas?!?"

"Joan I only adopted one and turns out that she has sides too and-"

"Wait she has sides as well???" They said.

"Yeah, I'll explain tomorrow at the mall maybe?" I said while Janus is trying to calm the others down.

"Yeah I'll see if Tayln can come as well is twelve good?"

"Perfect. I'll see you then bye!"

"Ya see you then."

I hung up as a wave of relief wash over me. I sighed before checking my socials. Once I was done I went back to Luna and pulled her aside.

"Hey, Luna can I talk to you for a sec?"

"I- I'm yeah sure."

I lead her to the small hallway by the door.

"So what was that call about?" She asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Well, that was what I wanted to talk to you about."

_Luna's POV_

When he said that statement I grew anxious and worried.

"W-what do you mean? Did I d-do s-something wrong? Am I in trouble? I d-didn't mean-"

"Whoa, calm down it has nothing to do with you getting in trouble because you're not."

I calmed down after he said that but I still was worried about what he was going to actually say.


"It's alright sweetie what I was going to say was that my friends Tayln and Joan wanted to meet you."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to see if you're ready to meet them."

"Well yeah, when is it?" I asked.

"It's tomorrow at the mall that's nearby. I think around twelve."

"Oh alright, I should probably head to bed before Sage lectures me about good sleeping habits and all that jazz."

"Alright night Luna." He said with a warm simile.

"Night dad," I responded.

I went to my room and crashed onto my bed and shut my eyes. The next day I woke up to one of my old school alarms so I groaned and turned it off. I sat up in my bed and looked at the time it was 7:30 so I went to my closet to find something. I found the black box that I kept hidden from the others. I made my way out of the closet and closed it. I opened the box carefully and put it on the desk. It was my pocket knife I started to look at the design of it. I painted the bottom myself it was a night sky. The paint was beginning to flake off which saddened me but gave me some ideas for it. I started to try to do some tricks with it (Mostly trying to open it quicker). I heard someone open the door so I looked at the person who was standing at my doorway in shock.

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