Chapter 26 A Walk in the Park

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(A/N: Before we start I just want to let you know that we officially hit 1k reads! I just wanted to say thanks for the support on this book and yeah I have nothing else to say but enjoy♥)

(Tw: Slight cursing)

It's been a week since the 'incident' happened my sides are alright with Dad's after some explaining. I have a feeling that at least two of them weren't believing it. They'll get over it...that's what I thought. I haven't introduced them to my friends properly and they kept on begging me to but Violet wasn't having it with me.

"Please! Nothing bad will happen!" Addi said.

It was the weekend so Addi, Evie, and I decided to hang out at the park.

"Why? Do you umm...really? I mean they're just-"

"We won't tell anyone promise!" Evie said pleadingly.

"I can't that?"

"More like you can but you refuse too," Sage said coming up.

The other two glanced at me and back at Sage. Oh, dear.

"Alright. Fine for starters I have sides. I don't really know how but I do. She is my Logical side."

Sage went on to shake their hands formally as her face remained drained of emotion.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both."

"It's a pleasure to meet you too Sage," Evie said being polite.

"Yeah, I gotta say you look more like a teacher. Is that what you're going for?" Addi said mentioning her outfit.

"I believe so, I'm glad you took notice of that."

She was hugged behind her by Harper.


"Harper I don't require physical touch right now."

"Well guess what I don't care."

"Good God you're so emotional."

"I can't help it! It's so pretty! The birds are singing the flowers are blooming!" (Totally not quoting something...) Harper said excitedly practically bouncing up and down.

"The exited one is Harper my morality to be exact."

"Hi! It's nice to meet you!"

They greeted each other and Evie noticed that Harper had a flower crown.

"Is that a flower crown?"

"Yeah actually! Do you want one?"


The two went off to get some flowers for a new set of crowns. Obliviously Harper dragged Sage with her just because she could.

"Evie really likes flowers doesn't she?"

"Heh, yeah it seems like it," I said with a grin.

They both began to hear a nearby argument at the benches. Violet was on top of the bench to keep her distance from Hazel and Raven.

"Can you get away from me for once?!?"

"Yeah, we're totally going to do that for you."

"Can I join this?"


"No! This is a bad idea and you know it!"

"Damn do you always have to worry about every little thing Violet? This is just like the day you left our side. Ah, don't you remember it like it wasn't yesterday?"

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