Start from the beginning

Deanna explains looking at her, "This is the start of sustainability. That's what the brochures we found say. This was a planned community with its own solar grid, cisterns, eco-based sewage filtration. Starting in the low 800,000s..." She laughs, ".. if there is such a thing. And they sold them all." Deanna notices the uncertainty look in Anastasia's eyes. "You're skeptical." She says.

"Who put up the walls?" She asks her.

Deanna explains, "Well, there was this huge shopping mall being built nearby. And my husband Reg is a professor of architecture. And who he was mattered quite a bit. He got the first plates up with our sons. And after a few weeks, more people arrived and we had help. We had a community. Since the start."

"You've been behind these walls this entire time? Without any trouble?" Anastasia asks.

Deanna says, "We need people who have lived out there. No trouble. Your group is the first we've even considered taking in for a long time."

"Why?" Anastasia asks. "Why haven't you brought more people in?"

"There wasn't many people to find, the last one was four months ago." Deanna says.

"Can I ask you a question?" Anastasia asks her.

"Yeah." Deanna nods.

"Where does Mason Hendrix live?" Anastasia asks and Deanna looks at her, "Oh uh sorry, he's my brother." She clarifies.

"A family reunion." Deanna smiles.

"Sorta, yeah." Anastasia nods and Meredith begins to cry, Anastasia rocks her back and forth. "I'm sorry it's-, I need to feed her." she says and Deanna nods.

OUTSIDE, THE GROUP IS GATHERED BY THE PANTRY AND GUNS STORAGE ROOM. THEY had to check their weapons in. The Watson kids did so reluctantly, they weren't used to not having them on them.

Deanna explains, "They're still your guns. You can check them out whenever you go beyond the wall. But inside here, we store them for safety." Carol is handing over her weapons, and Anastasia notices her behavior change.

Olivia says, "Should have brought another bin." She was in charge of the pantry and guns. She pushes the cart away to take them into inventory.

OUTSIDE IN THE ALEXANDRIA COMMUNITY, RICK, CARL AND MEL STAND ON the sidewalk. Aaron shows them the three houses.

"All three of them of 'em?" Rick asks.

"At your disposal. I'd call dibs on that one. It's got more curb appeal. Listen, I know you're still feeling us out, but I'm glad you came. Anyway, Deanna's asked everyone to give you your space so they aren't all coming at you at once. Take your time. Explore. You need anything, you call me. I don't-- we don't have phones. I-- I meant... I'm four houses down. When you see Anastasia tell her to find me, someones looking for her." Aaron says rambling, Rick looks at him. "her brothers are."

Carl says, "Thank you." Mel smiles at Aaron giving him a nod, she'd let her mother know.

Aaron says as he begins to walk away, "So..."

"I'm going to find my mom." Mel says. "Rick?" Mel asks and he looks at the red head. "Do you think it's a good idea? My mom meeting her half brothers?"

"It's not up to me, that's up to your mom." Rick says. Mel nods before walking off to find her mother.


"Rick, can you?" Mel says walking in with Meredith in her arms crying. "Ooh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."

"What's wrong?" Rick asks her.

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