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ON THE TRAIN TRACKS, EUGENE AND TARA WALK TOGETHER, TALKING, WELL MORE like Eugene talking Tara's ear off. He does that with everyone.

"You're okay?" Maddy asks Glenn. He turns to look at the young red head and gives her a small smile. "Here, drink." She gives him her water bottle.

"Maddy." Glenn says.

"You were the one that was in isolation, with the flu. You could have died." She tells him.

"You're a lot like your mom." He says.

"Thank you." She says smiling.

"I'm sorry about it Mavis." He says.

"I'm sorry about Hershel" she says. Hershel meant a lot to the entire group, he brought moral to the group, made them look on the bright side of things and gave great advice. "Were you there when she died?" She asks him.

"Yeah." He says looking ahead.

"How was my tia Rosa?" She asks.

"She lost it." He says and she nods. When Glenn heard her screams at Anastasia to help her, Glenn heard so much emotion and pain in her voice. "Were you there for Hershel?"

She nods, "his kids saw it." She says, "They all did." She looked at Ethan, he looked sadder. He took after Hershel in looking at the good, but it seems that he shut down. To everyone but her. Glenn took a mental note of this.

"He'll be okay, he has us." Glenn says and Maddy nods.

NIGHT HAD FALLEN OVER THE GROUP, THEY MADE CAMP OUTSIDE, UNDER SOME TREES, by some clearing, Tara and Abraham kept watch. Maddy tried to fall asleep, as she played with her necklace and she did what she usually did when she couldn't go to sleep. She prayed, it was something her dad did, he told her to do it too when she couldn't fall asleep and she picked up the habit.

Luke picked up the habit from Sunday school, and his kids too, The only one who didn't really pray was Anastasia since she didn't grow up religious, not like Luke and Mavis. Luke didn't force their kids in the religion like his parents did, but he did make sure they had their baptism and first communion, to avoid his parents from nagging. But he didn't sends them to a Catholic school, he definitely wasn't going to send them to Military school. Anastasia was against her kids going to military school. She had converted to Catholicism for Luke, he wanted to get marry through the church, and she gave in. She sometimes went to church with him, but not often.

THE NEXT MORNING, THE GROUP WALK ON THE TRAIN TRACKS, TARA AND EUGENE WALK in sync. He says, "Been rubbing me wrong, is all. I'm an even-Steven type gentleman. You help me find the supplies, we'll share the battery and whatever juice we scare up, minimal as it may be. Deal?"

They all see see the message on the Terminal poster, Tara turns to look at Glenn. Maddy sees the smiley face with the tongue and the eyes for x's.

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