Chapter Fifteen

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              Three months have passed now and the media has left us alone. The results of their searching were pointless they found and got nothing out of us. I'm not exactly eight months everything's getting more scary with each breath I take,but I'm so excited they are almost here so I can hold and love them physically. My two daughters and one son will know of everything there will be no secrets from them. They will know they survived the danger and where there as their mom whooped ass standing up for them and her family. They will be proud I did what I did my children will understand why I went to such extremes to protect them.

                 Today is April thirteenth the boys are outside enjoying the weather in the garden. We finally were able to come home a few months ago and I'm glad I believe my kids should see this place at least once in their lives. My room is a little different I bought a amour to put my clothes in and my parents renovated the closet to turn it into a room. Inside it held tree cribs and a rocking chair with pale yellow walls holing pictures of zoo animals. I found it so cute to see it finally finished with everything they needed inside. My babies were fortunate to have what they did no one had to buy them anything, but I'm grateful they did. I love my family so much for everything they do inculding Emmett, Cheri, Josh, and Adam. They are as much my family as anyone else after all they were there when I needed people the most. 

              As I sit in the rocking chair I can't help but hope they'd be here today instead of next month. I rub my stomach looking down imagining what their little new born faces will look like. I got up and made my way outside to the boys. 

               "You know I'm tired of having to waddle to find you to." I said leaning against a tree. 

          "I'm sorry love just thought a dip in the pool would be nice while you slept." Emmett said pulling me into a hug then kissing my baby bump. 

               "I wish they were here and could enjoy summer weather." I let up twirling my thumbs. 

              "I know and have you talked to Jason lately?" 

         "No not really last words he said to me were he'd sign the custody papers giving me full custody why? 

           "Because he's here." he said pointing behind me. "I'm going to get into the pool holler if you need me." he finished giving me a kiss and jumping into the water. 

             "How can I help you Jason? " I asked coldly. 

           "I want to apologize for that I've put you though I'm glad you and Kirk are together now and you're truly happy,but please let me see my kids that's all I ask." He pleaded looking up at me. 

             "Are you serious I'd never take away my child's father from them unless you mentioned them harm." I responded he pulled me into a short hug. 

             "Thank you." he whispered into my ear and just then I felt a small pain and something warm run down my leg. I looked down in shock. "What's going on?"  

             "Emmett hurry its time!" I yelled to him as he raced over picking me up. 

             "Time? Time for what?" Jason asked. 

            "Dude the babies are coming get in your car call her parents for us and your family we'll meet you guys at the hospital. " Emmett answered him running me inside to get our hospital bags. As he graves them I picked up my silk robe and fuzzy slippers making my way to his car. I strapped my self in and wait for ten minutes until he appeared. A sharp pain went through my body I help my stomach in pain as Jason for in. 

               "Um hey I don't mean to alarm you or anything but I would like to say you take to long an I am going into labor plus these contractions hurt." I said smiling at him. 

               "How long ago did it happen?" 

              "About a minute and a half "  

              "Okay well lets go." 

             I could tell how nervous he was by every moment that passed on our way to the hospital. I had four more contractions with the twenty minutes it took to get there. Walking in it finally hit me my babies are coming. My realization brought me joy so I smiled squeezing Emmett's hand. I sat down as he talked to the nurse at the front desk explaining to her our situation she looked over at me and muttered to him. I just wished they would hurry I want my babies now. As Emmet turned around to come get me my mother rushed to my side giving me a hug. I looked up seeing everyone in my family alone with Jason's. All these people were here today for them to see them come into the world, to hold and love them just like I want to. Soon enough A nurse walked up to me with a wheelchair.

             "So you must be Maya." She said resting her soft eyes on me.

             "Yes I am." I responded meeting her eyes.

             " My names Angela I'm your nurse for the night and I shall be escorting you to your room. Ah an this must be the family its nice to meet you all I would like you to take the elevator to the fourth floor have them take you to room three seventy-eight. As for you Maya I would like you to get into this wheelchair and one person can come with us as I take you up to your room." She said smiling. I got up with the help of Emmett and got into the wheel chair. We left my family to only see them when we make it to my room. As we made our way off we made a conversation.

           " SO what are your birthing plans and have you notified your doctor?" She asked me.

         "Se-section, and I called him when I got our hospital bags." Emmet answered she smiled at him. Part of me assumed she wanted him.

          " Are you the children's father?"

         "No Jason is, but from my past he left me and almost his kids too I'm glad hes here for them though and I'm glad  Emmett's here too." I responded answering her question.

        " Well that's good he's going to be here for them and I'm happy to know a young man like you is here for her and her kids when you don't have to be." She Responded with a smile she had such a lovely smile I'm glad this woman's my nurse. " An you are brave to go through a Se-section at such a young age might I ask why?"

       "Honestly when I was sixteen I lost a baby and almost lost my life it weakened my heart so I'm going with this in hopes that my babies will get to live a life with me."

      "I'm sorry to hear your loss and I understand you decision completely." she said as we reached my room. " Well here we are you get adjusted I'm sure your doctor will be here soon so your children will be here in no time. I'll be back in exactly an hour just press the nurse button if you need anything before then." 

     "Thank you." I muttered as she left 

           The room was big to what i thought it would be thank god because of all the people that had came.I'm glad they are all here. My children would be so happy to know they had so many people here for them. I light shone threw the window hitting me making my skin glow. Today was the day, the day my children arrive into the world and bless us all.

            "Thanks everyone for being here it means alot to me really it does. I can also say it means the world to my children that you all are here for them and me." I let out looking them over they just smiled at me and I waddled to my bed. Now it's time to play the waiting game forthe doctor and them. Jason looked at Emmett with so much hate and jealousy I felt bad but is this really my fault. An not only that but what would he do we are in a hospital after all would he do something stupid i surely hope not 


               I know it's not alot or much exciting especially after the last chapter but the babies are coming the real question is when though. I honestly hope you all have enjoyed reading this story as I have writing it. Here's something for you though will she make it past birth and if she does for how long?



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