Chapter Eleven(Justin)

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I was speeding to the Hospital not abke to slow down. After I dropped my baby sister off her horrable ex got to her. I swear if he toucher her I'll do something much worse then kill that bastard he'll wish he was actually dead. The road seemed to never reach the Hospital in time I just want to know what could have happened and if any of them let him hurt her I'll kill them. She's just so fragile and been through so much she has to be okay. As i pulled into the parking lot of the hospital I bowed my head and for the first time in almost two years I preyed.

Dear god please don't take my sister's baby or her life she's been through hell please let her be okay. She's done nothing wrong but love she deserves so much in life but this isn't it god I beg you please let her be okay please let her baby live I can't afford to loose her again I can't live if she dies if there is anyone who should die it should be me.

As i finished my little prayer I walked into the hospital hoping god would listen and let them be okay. I turned looking for the receptionist to ask for my sisters room, but as I did Lydia stopped me.

"Justin they won't let us see us Kissy's in there but that's it. They said only on person is allowed in the room until family gets there because of her previous medical history." She said resting her small hand on my arm my heart stopped for almost a minute and I couldn't breath.

" What room is it?" I asked stairing her down.

" 262 it's on the third floor." she let out and I ran off my baby sister can't be dying can she? No she has to live for her and her baby. I raced to the stare case an ran as fast as I could. I pushed my way through the third floor door my only thoughts is for her to be okay. The only door closed was hers I stopped gripping the doorknob. I took a deep breath then walked into the room what ever conversation was going on ceaset.

" She's not allowed multiple visiters other then family." The doctor came out saying.

" I'm her older brother Justin. I got here as fast as I could now can you please express to me what's wrong?" I said looking behind him at my sisters sleeping face and then to Krissy.

" Ah yes I'm sorry about that. Your sisters been under alot of stress and it started affecting the little ones plus she has a urinary track infection. "

" Why is she still here if that's all?"

" We're making sure that's absolutely all. We are running a few blood tests on her an want her to stay over night I notified your parents they'll be back in town by midnight. "

" Thank you sir an wait did you say babies?"

" Indeed she's having triplets. " He responded leaving the room. I walked further in being greeted by Krissy's arms and tears.

" Shh. babygirl its okay I promise." I whispered into her ear.

" You seen what happened last time Justin she can't go through that again. You know this just as well as I do." She paused looking up at me. " We've been together for almost four years while me and Maya have been friends since preschool. I've known her for years and what's worse is Jason knows about her medical conditions. He's beyond pissed that she kept that from him. I know why she did an so do you but I don't believe he understands."

" Well he's got to she's been through alot my baby sister is amazing and loving she did what she did out of love for him and their babies. We'll just have to be patient and thanks for being here for her especially when I couldn't." I let out.

I held her close to me kissing her forehead. Soon we sat down and my thoughts rushed to me every moment I've been there but the last time she really needed me.was when she lost her baby. Tears began to form I'm my eyes at the thought and the memory can flooding into my mind.

I was walking out of my room getting ready to go to school and I heard muffled cries coming from down the hall. I could feel the pain I'm each cry and my heart broke from it. My sister laid in a ball sobbing holding her sides in pain. Her stomach was almost flat not even rock hard. My lovely sister had just gotten home from the hospital just a few days before. She was newly sixteen and just lost a baby no one should go through that. Her stupid now ex boyfriends sister beat her almost to death with no regrets. My family can't stay here we have to leave she needs to be safe.

" Angle come here." I said sitting on her bed. Lifting her head she moved towards me and I warped my arms around her continuing, " You're beautiful you know that. Maya Rose I love you and I'm hear no ones going to hurt you.ever again as long as I can help it. I live to see you happy in life and I will do anything to see you smile in life. Even when that sperm donor would try and beat you I did my best to keep you and mom safe.

Angle he didn't deserve you or your all's son he would only have love for his mom anyways. An I know for a fact he's glad that you got to meet him atleast once. Your sons happy that atleast one time his mom git to hold him and share her love by holding him in her life. He will never forget that a beautiful woman tried her best to give him life and everything he deserved." I let out a few tears ending my sentence. She snuggled into my arm letting.out a soft cry.

" I'm a horrible mother I let my baby die I lost him because I'm weak." she let out I held her tighter.

" No your not you tried protecting him at any cost it wasn't your fault it was that whores and one day she'll pay for it most likely.with her own life I promise. Now lets go sit in the garden and eat pancakes. " I said picking her up.

" But you have school bubby."

" Not when you need me you are more important now lets go." I replied as we walked out her room. At that moment I vowed to get him back for my sisters baby, for our newphew. I loved this little girl so much and she deserved the best and not to go through so much pain I love my baby sis and I wont stop until I know it's okay.

I looked up seeing my baby sister in her hospital bed wishing it was me. She looked peaceful, content, and yet unharmed like nothing has ever happened to her. I sighed realizing Krissy had left me in there alone. I looked up hearing.soft footsteps walk past the door along with muffled voices. Hours pasted as I sat by her bed side. I picked up her hand and.stoked it with my thumb.

" Baby sis please wake up please. There's not much I want or need in life but I need you. I need you to wake up and be okay for me and your three lovely children. Me, your kids, mom,dad, and our friends need you. Just wake up for me for us all of us." I pleaded hoping.she would but her eyes didn't open.

Hell I haven't heard her speak one word since I've gotten her and I'm not sure what to do or who to trust. I can't loose my sister I almost lost her once and that was close enough for me and her. I can't go through loosing her mentally and physically again not again. Those babies need to be healthy along with her. I'll do anything she needs just as long as she wakes up as long as she's okay. I love my baby sister more then my own life and I'm tired of her going through all this pain. I'm going to fix this all of it if it's the last thing I do I swear on my life. I vow to never abandon my sister and to help her not feel emotional pain in her life. I vow then when she feels pain I'll do what ever I can in my power to help her .


I think it's important to see why Justin acts the way he does. His insight is going to play a big part in this story especially his actions towards others. Will his love for his sister destroy him and his life or help him and thoes around him? Justin is different then everyone else and today he let you know how. He feels his sisters pain as if it were his own. Next chapter I believe Maya might be opening her eyes and we'll see whats going on in her pretty little head of hers.

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