Chapter Twelve

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I sat on the park bench watching kids pass me by. None of them passed the age of seven.  

" Daddy, daddy, daddy! " three of them came running up to Jason yelling 

" Yes babies what is it? " He asked picking one of them up an setting him on his knee 

" Where's mommy why is she never here?" a little girl asked tears began to form in Jason's eyes. 

" Harmony mommy died but she's in your heart." he answered holding them close to him. I began to sob I didn't make it through child birth this can't be happening. As I looked up I caught sight of what seems to be an older version of Kirk. 

" Sup Bro how are my niece's and my nephew doing today?" he asked bending down to their level. anger rushed through me. How could he let my babies be near him at all. 

" They're good asking allot of questions but good."  

" What questions? "  

" About Maya." he said looking a little heart broken Kirk pulled him into a hug. 

" Sorry man." he replied I jumped up and sacked them both. " Who the." his words stopped in his throat my anger plain on my face. 

" Don't ever talk to my children again damn it who killed there brother and you feel you can talk to them why?" I asked then turned to Jason, " An how dare you let him near my babies with me dead or even if I was alive how could you did you want them dead do you hate them or something. "  

" Maya I, I can't answer that. " Jason answered and I snapped. 

" You hate your own children get the hell away from them now! Harmony, Justin and Adam go to the playground I'll be there in a minute. " I said motioning them off. I turned hitting Jason and taking him to the ground. Punch after punch I threw connecting to his face without a care he deserved this. How could he hate his own children just how? If I would've known I never would've let him be there from day one. 

"Maya please wake up." I heard a voice say. 

I looked over and Kirk opened his mouth, " This is going to be their future if you don't do something. "  

            My eyes fluttered open to see a white room with machines. Quickly I sat up and saw Justin with tears still in his puffy red eyes. I went to move but I had some IV's in my arm. He came to rescue me yet again. 

            " Justin." I hugged out he looked up at me as a smile consumed his face. 

            " Maya their triplets you're having triplets." he said rushing to my side. 

          " I know bub I know. I saw them in a dream Kirk and Jason became friends and he hates them because I'm gone. Right before I opened my eyes he said this is their future if I don't do something soon." My brothers eyes widened when I finished my sentence. 

              " I'll kill him both of them. What do you want me to do?"  

            " We need a lawyer can you call Krissy's dad we're going to need legal help and doctors so I know KY options on this. Tell her dad we need a consultant on a matter. An get Krissy I need to talk to her. Lydia can get absorbed into other matters an I'm not sure if I can trust her right now." I finished and my brother left the room bringing Krissy back with him.  

           We began planing and discussing our options and matters. Our conclusion came to Jason will not get my babies as long as he lives. My night in the hospital was boring and long Jason left before ever seeing me I think he might hate me now for some reason. I looked up at the sky to see hundreds of stars lighting the sky. My hearts hurting from what I need to do, but I'll do anything to make sure they're safe anything. As I laid in my bed I wrote three letter all addressed to my children and handed them to Krissy. 

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