Chapter 10

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It's only three in the morning I thought raising my self up. I looked over Jason wasn't here I can't believe he's not here why would he leave. I reached for my phone since he left me then I'm going to call an wake his ass up. Looking at my screen I had eighty missed calls and twenty texts I flipped through my text five were from Lydia, ten from Krissy and five from Jason. The message that got to me the most was from Krissy.

KRISSY BITCH : babe call me ASAP we need to talk she's dead.

I looked at the text for as long as I could in confusion and walked to Justins room. instead of knocking I just opened the door finding Lydia, Krissy, Adam, Jason, and Justin talking. Their conversation came to halt I stopped in my tracks something was wrong. 

" Whats wrong?" Krissy asked looking over at me. 

" How about you tell me. I mean after all you stopped talking to me when you seen me." I retorted. 

" Baby sit down you might get a little to happy" I heard Jason chime in.  

" Just fucking tell me damn it. I just woke up an I'm not in the mood for games." I replied to him glaring over them all. 

" Look baby sis someone shot Cheri last night she didn't live. Emmett walked in an found her on the floor. No one knows who did it." Jason said looking at me. I froze for a second in shock that bitch is dead really !  

" You're fucking kidding me right? I mean I just whooped her ass an now no one will know. Yes it's sad she died, but she deserved it for taking a innocent defenseless life." I replied crossing my arms. 

" Ah baby sister your so stubborn and justifying. " 

" I can't help it I mean after all its true. " I retorted 

" I know it is " he smiled giving me a hug. " Now sit down I'm trying to figure out how it happened something's not right her dad was home all night. How for you not hear something like that in your own home?" 

" I really have no idea bubby no idea, but there dad was always a prick. "  

" That is very true." I replied walking to sit next to my friends. " my gosh I'm so fuckin' hungry." 

" Maya I have a question, If your only a month along why do you have a little bump?" Lydia asked. 

" Hell if I know babydoll hell if I know. " I answered rubbing my tummy then looking at Jason. 

" Ah an yet I believe she's the most beautiful pregnant woman I've ever seen." Jason chimednin giving me a smile. I just sat there smiling and blushing. Our night went on with thinking an talking about how or who for that matter would have killed her. As far as I knew I'm the only one who would have a motive but I was home asleep. My weekend was calm no one harassing me or making my life hell. When Monday came around my brother took me to school he made a schedule with Jason and the girls. he'd drop me off Monday the girls would come get every day after that an Jason would take me home. I of course had no say in the matter because in my brothers head if Cheri can show up dead out of no where so could I, but only her words to me stung my memory. 

"he made me do it.!" who's he an why would he? who would want my baby dead. 

I walked into school no one was around Jason nor the girls in my sight. My heart clentched as I looked up to see Emmett leaning against my locker. 

" You're a monster what could you possibly want to be the reason my child dies again?" I asked glaring trying to open my locker. 

" I'm sorry skittles but I didn't kill your baby and that wasn't my problem your whore self probably was sleeping around on me." he replied with an evil smile my heart stopped for a split second an I took a deep breath. 

" Let me tell you something I've slept with four people you, Chris, Chelsea, and Jason. I met Chris the summer after I moved here. That baby was not a problem he had a heart, soul brain he was a human being. That was your son and mine but you want to know what makes it better?" I stopped inhaling as I say the gang begin to walk up. Adam and Jason has pissed written across their faces ah this should be fun. " At almost five months I laid in a hospital bed scared for my life. I had four IVs in my arm they endives labor in a baby that was no longer alive. I went through a still birth my baby came out unable to ever cry or fully be formed. Our baby was quite and precious with every breath I took. He was so small so gentle in my.arms but he was dead. I named him Avery Devin my dead son has a name I cried knowing he wouldn't grow up not one second. I was heart broken my baby would.never go to school he would never enjoy ice cream or play with someone else. My baby  

didn't get the life he deserved because his own aunt killed him. After the worst part I assumed was over the doctors came in saying my heart was weak an can't go through much more. He said if I ever had another baby I might die! They said its to much stress on my body it could stop my heart, so here I am almost two months pregnant by a wonderful man who loves menot a dumbass boy ! I'm not dealing with you're bullshit you something you will never be a man ever in you life! You'll only ne a poor excuse of a person who God didn't mean to make!" I yelled making the surrounding student body stop in their tracks my fists were clentched an I swung.hitting.him in the jaw just as the others reached me. Jason grabbed my arms trying to stop me, but I just struggled trying to break free.  

How dare he stalk me to a new town and call me a whore endanger my baby's life in amyway. I will be damned if he ever thinks of doing this to my baby again ever in his life. I'll kill him before I ever see the day I will make sure this baby has everything it needs. I started to calm down looking at my stomach as a pain shot through my.body an I fell to my knees screaming in pain. This can't be happening no not my baby please let my baby be okay. Tears.began running from my eyes as I screamed in pain my vision faded I wasn't sure what was going on.


Ah I know for a fact this chapters not long but the secrets just keep coming. I just wasn't sure how to follow Cheri's death but I believe I got if. I think that the next chapters surprise will be so much better you'll love it.  

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