chapter Two

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                  I tossed and turned to wake up in a pale blue room hearing someone cry. I sit up looking around  as my vision adjusted to my dark surroundings. My vision revealed to me  Lydia curled up into Kirk's arms crying. I felt sorrow fill me along with a small bit of anger. 

                 Scratching my head I opened my mouth asking, " what's going on? What's wrong?"  

               "K-Krystal got a-arrested her because of some random girl was calling you a whore and they got into it." Lydia sobbed. 

                   "What the hell why?"  

                  "It was Adam's ex Cheri remember he dumped her Monday." Kirk chimed in. 

               "So let me guess I'm the whore because Adam left her because of his feelings for me so I ruined it an she saw him kiss my neck tonight? " 

              "Yeah pretty much and might I add I think she got what was coming to her after she was trying to fuck Tyler while they were together." he said with a devious smile I laughed. 

                  "Well when can I go pick Krystal up?"  

               "At 8 in the morning." Lydia answered I checked my phone to see it was only 4:30 in the morning great three an a half hours to go.  

                 "Where's Adam you guys I need to talk to him." I say standing up to see my clothes aren't on. " oh another thing where's my clothes and how'd I end up in here?"  

                "Me and Adam brought you up here because Cheri dumped her drink on you so you almost killed her and then you stripped from the fact you don't like wet clothes. Where you put them I have no clue. Everyone but the boys and you two girls are here so I'm sure your lack of clothing is fine beautiful." I smiled and left the room searching for Adam I walk down stairs and open the game room to see him there pool stick in on hand and his phone on the edge of the pool table. 

                     "Look I don't ask for much but dad I need Krystal here before Maya wakes up she'll freak because I let it happen and I want a restraining order against Cheri she's crazy and I'm nor letting her hurt Mymy again." he whispered I guess so no one could hear from other rooms my face formed a tiny grin to know he cared like this.  

                  "Son I know you love her and I'll try. Just be waiting for my call so you can get her an I'll FAX the paper work to my study for the restraining order. Oh an I've more thing I love you son."  

                  "Thanks dad I love you too." he replied ending the call and setting his phone in his pocket. 

             "Shocking to see you haven't noticed me yet." I chimed making him look towards me he smiled. 

                 "Well good morning sleeping beauty so I'm guessing you heard that?"  

               "Yes I did and I appreciate the fact you'd do this but Kirk and Lydia already told me." I said moving closer to him. 

              "Of all people I'd only do this for you Maya, you have no idea what you really mean to." I inhaled a sharp breath. 

               "Shh just stop right there Adam Gregory Smith. I don't want to hear it right now stop boosting my ego for once. Adam do you even know how much I care for you thank you so much, but for once don't do that. I love that you'd do this an all I do but stop acting like I'm your world. After two years you say this and I don't get. " I was saying until his hands gripped my waist mouth crushed into mine. I kissed back how couldn't I after all it felt perfect his lips soft but firm against mine. He began twisting the fingers on his left hand in the stings on my thong pulling me closer I left out a soft moan from the intense pleasure. Adjusting my hands I push his off just a little. " Adam I.. what is?. ugh I have no idea but stop we can't be doing this at least not now."  

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