•TsukiYama• Haikyuu

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What you wear, how you look in it, if you fit in with everyone else around you, how it fits the gender stereotypes. This insecurity mostly has to do with social judgement.

3rd POV

"Tsukki! Could you, um.. stay back for a minute?" Yamaguchi asked, his voice gradually growing quieter. But he couldn't wimp out, he really felt the need to speak to his boyfriend about this.

He wasn't fully aware why he chose the volleyball gym as the best place to quietly tell his boyfriend, but he wasn't wimping out and that's what was important.

Tsukishima looked back towards him and shrugging, telling the team that the two of them would go for meat buns another time.

"What's up Yams? Something wrong?" He asked. To anyone else, it would have seemed like he didn't care. But Yamaguchi knew how hard Tsukishima was trying to let out more emotion around him, he was happy Tsukishima was trying at all really.

"W-well.. kind of. Um.. I just- well I didn't really want to talk to you here but I don't think I can wait any longer otherwise I won't tell you and then I'll never get it off my chest-"

"Ok, ok. Deep breaths Tadashi. Deep breaths." Tsukishima said, placing his bandaged hands on Yamaguchi's shoulders. "Take all the time you want, Tadashi. I'm not going anywhere."

Yamaguchi nodded, taking a large deep breath. "Um ok.. I guess we'll start with the other day. I was in the mall right? And I was like, wow, these jeans look kinda girly, right? But then I was like, I actually kinda like those jeans, how much are they? And then I started looking for a price tag, but I couldn't find one. So I went further into the pants section to see if there was a sign anywhere that had the price on it, and there wasn't. But you know what was there?"

Tsukki shook his head and then shrugged. "Um, more jeans?" He asked hesitantly.

"Close! It was the girl's to women's section, and then I was like, well that makes sense. But I'm not gonna lie, I went on a spiral. I found these really cute overalls that had butterflies on the pant leg because apparently butterflies are only for girls. Not gonna lie I kinda got upset and went to find a female worker and had a whole talk with her about it and she said that's why she generally shopped in the men's section. And then she was like, so I know what it's like to enjoy another gender's clothing, those jeans in your hand are also from the women's section."

"Tadashi, you're rambling."

"But then I was like, wow, these jeans are all from the women's section. But they were really cute jeans, some kinda like loose fitted and ripped, but only slightly. And others are really flattering to my figure, I'll show you them later-"

Tsukki sighed, "The point of this, Tadashi?"

"Oh, yes. We're getting there! And then I said, well have a nice day, and walked back towards the women's section. The girl's section was a little too small but I still found a few more adorable overalls that I'll also show you later. Anyways, I ended up leaving with like four winter knitted shirts, which are all so fucking adorable and not even for the winter time. Like you could wear them all year round, definitely worth the purchase. Two denim jackets, but one is black and one is blue so it was necessary to get two. But like, the black one was slightly oversized and the blue was was tighter, more like a cropped jacket. God they were both the best. And we aren't even going to go over the amount of jeans I bought from the store, let me tell you-"

"Tadashi," Tsukki said with a sigh. Though that was fake, Yamaguchi could see the small smile on the older's face. "Point, please, I'm going to die of old age."

"We're getting closer, promise." Yamaguchi swore and then took off again. "I got curious, how many other stores had really cute clothing that I just never knew about? And so, carrying my four bags of very well priced clothing, I walked into the next clothing store, which was in the out door mall as well. And let me tell you, I got three vests, some of them I don't even think I'll wear, they were just so cute I needed to have them in my closet. And this scarf, this scarf was like calling for me. It was my purpose. It isn't even winter time, I don't even like scarfs but it was in the cart faster than you could say no. And I found this really cute creamy white knitted beanie, and oh my god I matched it with this adorable shirt and some ripped jeans and a denim jacket, it was like a 100 dollar outfit, but it was totally worth it-"

"Yams, I'll let you put on a fashion show for me later but I'm getting hungry and there seems to be no end in sight to this rambling. Is there something wrong that you need to spit out right now, or can we go get food?" Tsukishima asked, putting a hand on Yamaguchi's shoulder with a nice, small smile.

"I really like women's clothing now! And, and I know that's weird! I know it is, but I really like the variety it has. And I think it's called cross dressing, I don't really know. I just wanted to tell you because everyone was looking at me so strangely when I went to purchase the clothes." Yamaguchi exclaimed.

Tsukishima was taken aback slightly. "That was your end point?" He asked.

Yamaguchi bit his bottom lip harshly and nodded, yes.

"Ok? Why would I care what clothing you wear. I'm kind of intrigued actually, those jeans sounded nice. Plus how did the people at the store know that you weren't buying those for your sister? And, so what if they were for you? They can't judge you then either."

Tsukishima abruptly stopped talking. "Nope, I'm not going off on a tangent about this. C'mon, I'm hungry and cranky and mad. I want food."

Yamaguchi looked up at the blonde tentatively. "You're not grossed out, or think I'm weird for this?" Yamaguchi asked softly.

Tsukishima bent down and kissed Yamaguchi gently, "You are the love of my life, I'll respect your decisions, always." Tsukishima paused before speaking up again. "But if we don't go get food right now I might actually die."

Yamaguchi laughed, "You're so dramatic."

"Eh, you love me." Tsukishima muttered.

"I supposed I do."

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