•Klance• Voltron

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{Stretch Marks}

Stretch marks, for those of you who don't know, are essentially purple (or white) marks that show up on your skin, most of the time because you grew too fast when younger for your body to understand. Something your born with them as well.

3rd POV

Lance walked around in his warm hoodie, going to his boyfriend's room. They had only been dating for about a week now, but they spent almost every minute together.

It was nice, having Keith as a boyfriend. Keith; the one person that understood him without fail. That's why Keith was so good at being a rival, because Keith knew Lance inside and out. He knew when Lance was happy, when he was sad. When he was in the mood to bicker and when he just needed a break. And now as boyfriends, Keith uses his knowledge to help Lance.

Lance moved his arms around himself in a hugging motion as he let the sleeves fall to cover his hands, stopping in front of Keith's door. Smiling, he knocked and it opened immediately.

Keith looked up to find Lance at the door and took off his glasses, setting aside his book. "Afternoon baby, what brings you here?"

Lance smiled and sat next to Keith, leaning onto his shoulder.

"I just wanted to see you." Lance replied quietly.

A few moments of silence passed before Lance could feel Keith tense slightly. Lance took his head off of Keith's shoulder and gave him a questioning look.

"What's wrong?" Lance asked.

Keith gave Lance a look that he couldn't decipher.

"Is it ok if I ask you a question?" Keith asked simply.

Lance giggled and nodded. "Anything."

"Why are you always wearing hoodies and leggings?"


Lance looked around, excited. The first field trip of 5th grade was upon them today and Lance couldn't have been happier. This morning, his mama and older sister went to get a Lunchable on the way to school. Since it was nearing summer time now, Lance was in a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt. He even had a cute little sun hat.

Lance's smile was brighter than it ever had been as they were loaded onto the bus. Of course, he was sat at the back with none of his friends but he didn't care.

He held his lunch close to him as the loud kids around him screamed, being reprimanded by the teacher immediately.

Suddenly someone was poking at his arms.

"What are those?!" The boy next to his sneered.

Lance looked to where the boy was pointing. His stretch marks? They came naturally, there the second he was born and others continued to form as he grew taller and taller. Combined he had quite a few places that were utterly covered in stretch marks.

"Mama said those are my special marks. They make me special." Lance said cheerily.

The boy rose his hand immediately. "Miss! Can I be moved!?"

The teacher came back to the seat moments later, "What's happening back here boys?" She asked politely.

"I don't want to sit next to a monster, can I switch seats with someone."

Lance's eyebrow furrowed and he looked down, fidgeting with his fingers. H-his mama had said..

"No Daniel, you're going to sit right here. Apologize right now." The teacher demanded.

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