•TodoBaku• My Hero Academia

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{Personal Preferences}

I didn't know how else to put it, but things like bdsm, ddlb, mdlg, and so on are things that some people prefer to do in their life. It is also something that some people become insecure about because people make fun of them for it.

3rd POV

Shoto walked through school, his head down and his books in hand. Getting to class is all he didn't want right now. He had had a stressful week, but god forbid him slipping in class. He wanted school done and over with as quickly as possible.

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Shoto took a hand from his books to grab it, only for it to be swatted out of his hands. The phone shattered upon impact with the ground, the same time his books also being thrown from his hands.

"What the hell." Shoto muttered.

"Well well well, if it isn't the baby."

Monoma Neito. The school idiot/bully. In a hero school, with the specific purpose of students becoming heroes, he was kind of out of place.

Shoto rolled his eyes, shoving down the fear at those words. "I'm gonna need a new phone, Monoma." Shoto said, picking up his books.

"Do babies really even need phones? What would they do? Play baby games all day?" Monoma asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I have no clue what you're getting at, but class starts soon and I don't like being late."

Shoto was pushed back before he could get past Monoma, the force sending him to the ground. His books were dropped in the process.

"God, damn it." Shoto hissed under his breath, picking up the books yet again.

If quirk use wasn't prohibited on school grounds with a teacher present, Shoto would've frozen Monoma to the ground by now.

"Now what's a baby doing, saying such bad words?" Monoma mocked as he watched Shoto pick up his books in order of each class he went to.

Shoto bit his lip. It was pretty obvious what Monoma was getting at by now. Maybe if Shoto played dumb for long enough, Monoma would think he was wrong?

"I'm not a kid Monoma, I'm allowed to say whatever the hell I want." Shoto muttered.

"Oh but you are, aren't you? You and your little boyfriend, and that weird fetish or whatever it is-"

"It's not a fetish!" Shoto yelled, cutting the blonde off. It was louder than he had intended, much louder. Luckily, the ring of the first period bell sounded, saving him completely. "If you don't mind." Shoto spoke quietly, pushing past Monoma.

"It doesn't matter what it is, it's weird!" Monoma called after him. "And Bakugou thinks so too. You're weird!"


School was over, the day was done. Shoto and Katsuki were hanging out afterwards, per usual. Shoto was half way into little space, his onesie on and stuffy in hands. Despite that, he did everything he could possibly think of to stop himself from slipping.

What if Monoma was right.. what if Katsuki did think Shoto was weird because of this..

"Daddy..?" Shoto muttered from Katsuki's bed.

It had been a long week, the two deserved this time together to just lounge about and be together. Or that's what Katsuki thought. This wasn't at all relaxing for Shoto, who was just about drowning in anxiety and fear.

"What is it darlin?" Katsuki asked from the end of the bed, eyes glued to his screen. He wasn't worried about Shoto doing anything rash while in his headspace because Shoto was curled at his feet. He couldn't get up without Katsuki knowing.

"W-well.. I just.." Shoto stumbled over his words, his small fingers picking at Katsuki's pant leg.

Katsuki put down his phone. "What's going on, teddy bear?"

"A-am I... weird?" Shoto asked quietly. "Do you think.. I'm weird?"

Katsuki seemed to go through a million different emotions, the most prominent of the million being anger and confusion. Though he had every right to be angry. His baby thought he was weird, that's not something he would just let slide.

Instead of acting out, Katsuki brought Shoto up to his chest, Shoto's hands immediately grabbing handfuls of Bakugou's shirt.

"Why in the world would you think that, teddy bear?" Katsuki asked gently, running a hand through the boy's heterochromatic hair.

"W-well.. I act like a k-kid and dress up like a 3 y-year old.. more times than not I have to wear a diaper b-because I wet myself a-and I like drinking from a bottle rather than a glass. P-plus I can't sleep without my stuffed animal and you're a-always f-orced to t-take care of me and-" The more Shoto talked, the faster everything fell from his mouth. He felt like he was talking a million words a second and could feel himself tearing up as he continued to speak.

That is, until Katsuki spoke up. "Woah woah woah, slow your roll. What's got you thinkin all that?" Katsuki asked.

Shoto stayed silent, digging his head into Katsuki's chest further, as to hide from the reality of it all.

Katsuki sighed, "Have you slipped yet?"

Shoto shook his head. "Almost.. b-but not quite." He left out the part about purposefully trying to not slip into full little space. He didn't want to burden Katsuki any further.

Shoto could feel Katsuki frown as the silence enveloped them. Shoto took to picking at Katsuki shirt. 

"Alright love, we're going to have a big kid talk, ok?" Katsuki said finally, moving Shoto so he was sitting up. "You think you can handle that?"

Shoto nodded, setting his stuffed animal to the side and focusing himself as much as he could. 

"I became a caretaker for you, you know that right?" Katsuki asked.

Shoto nodded, "I'm sorry-"

"And we both know that I don't just do things that I don't want to. Right?" Katsuki asked, ignoring Shoto's attempted apology.

"W-well yeah." Shoto said, a little unsure.

"Why do you think I'm here then? Clearly I want to be here, otherwise I would've made you take care of yourself in your own room." Katsuki said with a shrug.

Katsuki needed a little help on his comforting skills.

But at least Shoto seemed to understand. The message was becoming clear to the younger.

"Exactly, so shut up and keep cuddling with me and Sapphire and let's have a good evening. I'll even take you to get some chicken nuggets or something like that." Katsuki promised, pointing to the lion plushy that was almost 3 feet tall and 6 feet wide. Goddamn, it had been expensive but the look of Shoto's face when he got the plushy for Christmas was something Katsuki would go broke for.

"Chicken nuggys?" Shoto asked.

"Yeah babe, chicken nuggys. But first cuddles. Mk?"


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