•Peter x Natasha and Clint• *PLATONIC* Avengers

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Society sucks some times, and when betrayal comes along - almost inevitable for mostly everyone - people can feel insecure about the betrayal itself, or their relationship with the person who betrayed them. 

[It is important to note, I don't do Tony x Peter in a romantic sense because a) they're 30 years apart, b) I love their father son dynamic, and c) Tony is with Pepper, the woman he loves. Which means, by principle, I also do not ship Natasha with Peter (a: too old for him b: doesn't have much of a connection with Pete c: it's illegal) or Clint with Peter (a: too old for him b: has a wife and kids c: it's illegal]

3rd POV

"I swear, you'll love him Pete! He's around your age now, I believe. You two will get along great."

Tony hadn't stopped talking about this 'friend' the entire week, ever since Tony had gotten a flight for him to visit New York for summer vacation.

The entire time, Peter smiled and laughed and listened politely to what Tony had to say. Though Peter didn't know what the think. Having recently moved into the tower, simply because it was closer to his school and easier than moving back and forth between May's apartment and the compound. The main point though was to make it easier for Peter to keep his secret.

With Harley - was that even his name? - coming to visit for the entire summer how was Peter supposed to keep his secret of being Spiderman?

Tony damn near squealed the second his private jet came into view. The only reason Tony hadn't ridden down there as well was because Peter had a sensory overload when he was supposed to go.

So instead Tony stayed to help Peter through it and Pepper went to get Harley. Thank God too, lord knows Pepper is the better flier of the two.

The helicopter touched down on the rooftop and Pepper stepped out seconds later, tossing the keys to Tony.

"Finally some peace and quiet, eh?" Pepper joked.  

Second out of the helicopter was who Peter assumed to be Harley. Tall, ash blonde, kinda cute. Had a rugged look about him that Peter immediately appreciated. He looked to be only a year or two older than Peter.

"Tony! Long time no see!" Southern accent, definitely a plus in Peter's book (a HUGE plus).

Harley (if Peter is getting his name wrong, he's going to cry) went up and hugged Tony as tightly as possible, Tony immediately reacting to the hug with his own. Peter frowned, Tony never let him hug Tony unless something bad had happened or Peter was disoriented after a nightmare.

"Harley! God, it's been too long." Tony clapped Harley on the back before finally letting go of the long time. "Jeez kid, you've grown."

Peter's frown depended at the given nickname. 'Kid'. Was Peter not special anymore?

In hindsight, he was overreacting a little bit. Tony was allowed to have other friends who he hugged and called 'kid'. That was fine. Tony was his own man and was in no way obligated to be Peter's foremost priority.

"Alright Harley," Tony turned to Peter, "this is Peter. Peter, Harley."

The greeting was quick and Peter took the hand Harley stuck out in a firm hand shake.

"Parker, right? Tony's adopted son. Man, I wish I could be Tony's legal son. You must have a great life!" Harley's tone was slightly sarcastic, but enthusiastic nevertheless.

Peter's face scrunched up and he jerked his hand back to his chest and away from the handshake. "Yeah. Great." He spat.

Tony winced at the action. He knew how sensitive Peter was when it came to Tony adopting him. After all, he got teased about it at school enough as it is.

Insecurities ~ MultifandomOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz