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Galaxy stayed there with Ratchet and his elder brother, a soft innocent smile appeared on his face plates. He had missed this so much, the loving and protective embrace for his older brother and close friend. "Am I interrupting something?" A voice called out from the doorway.

The angel perked up along with the other two. He examined the one who spoke. He had some scarring on the face plate, looked shorter than Ratchet, and had two katanas on the back. The mech smirked and looked at the three in their little group hug. "No, you were not, mister." Galaxy said in a cheerful way.

"Is that so?" The new mech in the room asked. "Also, kid. The name is Wheeljack." He said while walking to the group and placing a digit under the angel's chin to make him look at him. "Wheeljack?" The angel questioned as the new name rolled off his tongue. "Yep. Now don't wear it out, Angel." Wheeljack teased a bit jokingly. He then perked up when he felt something grab his wrist. A shaking servo was clinging to the wrecker's wrist. It led his optics to the owner of the servo. "Geez, Prime. Never knew you could be like this." Wheeljack said and looked at the prime's expression.

"B-brother.. Let go of him. You might hurt him." The little angel begged in a worried tone. Optimus looked to his brother then sighed, he had let go of Wheeljack's wrist. The wrecker rubbed his wrist a bit. "You got a stronger grip than I expected, Prime." Wheeljack said with a slight tone of amusement in his voice. The Prime looked to the side to avoid the wrecker's gaze. "Sorry about that, Wheeljack.. DO you need any help?" The angel spoke in a sweet and friendly tone. The wrecker started into the angel's innocent gaze. He smirked. "Well~" He said. This sent something down the medic's back strut. He sent a glare at the wrecker.

"Now, Sunshine.. What's with that look? I was only gonna ask the kid to look at my wrist." The wrecked replied playfully at the glare the medic was giving him, raising his servos up in a defensive manner. Ratchet then started to mutter some words quietly, but Wheeljack couldn't tell what those words were. He then turned to Optimus who had a blank expression on his faceplates while looking at the wrecker. If he was correct, Whjeeljack just wanted a reaction from them.

"I will take a look at your wrist. I may not be a medic, but I know how to treat basic injuries." The prime spoke, while placing his brother next to his loyal close friend. "Ratchet and Galaxy need to get their rest, and it has been a long day for them both. I assume." Optimus spoke to the wrecker as he stood up and towered above him with a friendly look that played on the prime's face. Wheeljack smirked, he wanted to originally get a reaction from the medic as always, but now.. Prime was gonna be his target. "Ratchet how about you and Galaxy head to my quarters. Try and get some rest. It has been quite a long day." The prime spoke calmly. This confused the medic, but he followed what his friend told him to do. Ratchet then picked up Galaxy and started to walk to the door. The small angel was confused at what was happening and looked to his brother and Wheeljack. The wrecker spotted the angel looking at him and then winked. "Huh?" Galaxy asked as he tilted his helm innocently, while his brother was trying his best not to snap.

"Now, Wheeljack. Follow me to the medbay and we will fix you up." Optimus said while heading to that direction. The wrecker smirked and followed Optimus, this was gonna be a blast for him. Getting under the usually calm prime's plating and perhaps seeing a different side of him. "This is going to be fun." The wrecker thought before heading in the medbay with the prime.

TFP: The Little AngelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang