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"Goddamn, where in the hell can I sit."
I thought to myself while wondering around the school.

After many minutes of walking around, I found the perfect spot to enjoy my lunch.
It was a bench underneath a nice tree.

I sat down and took my lunch out before eating it and mindlessly scrolling through my phone.

But my beautiful moment of peace was obviously ruined by another person.

"Hey." An unknown man said.




The loud sound of my alarm reverbrated around my room making me groan in annoyance.

"God what time is it?" I thought to myself as I checked my phone.


thats good...

its still early

i dont have anything to do-

I suddenly jolted up awake after realising that I had woken up late.

Today was the first day at university!

I hastily stumbled out of my bed and ran to the bathroom to do what I had to do. After a few minutes, I was done with everything. Grabbing my phone and bag, I ran out my house - eager to get to school on time.


I had to run back after realising that I hadn't put my shoes on. As I was tying my laces, my phone vibrated indicating that I had received a new message.

And once I checked it, I was completely bewildered.

Taehyung: Hey I've just left the house

Jungkook: Wait why have you left so early tho?

Taehyung: Wdym? Its only 7:59

Confused, I checked my clock.
Taehyung was right.

It was only 7:59, meaning that I had missread the goddamn time. Facepalming myself, I responded to Taehyungs texts and decided to leave the house anyways. I decided to walk at a pretty slow pace.

Hopefully the rest of the day is better than this morning...

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