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"Sua oh my god..." Aeri said. She gasped and clasped her hand across her mouth. This left me bewildered.
Did I really look that ugly today?

"What?" I asked in confusion.
Unknowingly I started touching face in insecurity.

"You..." she started.

I waited there to finish her sentence in anticipation.

"You have..." she carried on.

"You have ha-"

"GODDAMN JUST TELL ME ALREADY!" I shouted at her while shaking her by the shoulders.

"You have had such a huge glow up!" She shouted back.

My expression changed immediately.
Within a few seconds I had bursted out laughing.

"I'm sorry but is this a joke?" I asked.
What in the world does she mean glow up? I haven't even changed!
Actually I have; I've gotten more ugly.

"No? Why would it be? Do you know how sad I feel now! My chubby and cute little Sua is gone!" She said walking away while acting in distress.

I chuckled and ran behind her.
"Hey wait up for me!"

Me and Aeri were walking through the campus and everyone was still staring at us.

That's when I really listened to what everyone was saying.

"Oh my god Kim Sua has really changed."

"Ugh I bet she got surgery or something."

"Who's the new girl, there's no way she went to Saebom!!"

That's when it hit me. Most of the kids from my college transferred to this exact university.

Why? Because I went to an art and journalism collage and this was the best university for art and journalism around.

But it was so obvious that they were staring at me specifically.
And that too so intensely.

Sure receiving attention did look fun.
And it felt fun for the first few minutes.

But now I wish I could just disappear.

Wherever I went people were looking at me.

As if I was their prey.

Just that thought had suddenly made me shiver. Quickly, I shook away all negative thoughts before carrying on with walking with Aeri, side by side.

Within a few seconds of walking, we came to this vast expanse of land where tents had been set up. A huge banner with brightly printed letters was hung on top of the tent.

It read.

Me and Aeri had to split up as she was taking a different major from me.

After waiting in the fashion design line for a few minutes, my turn had finally came up.

"Hello! Welcome! May I have your first and last name please." The boy asked, fumbling through some papers.

"Kim Sua." I said, softly smiling.

He quickly whipped out my information pack and schedule.

"Here you go. Inside the pack you have your locker key, some information about your major and the school, clubs and etc." He said.

I bowed at him to show respect.

"Thank you!" I said.

"No problem! Also as you are a fashion major you have assembly in 15 minutes in the hall. If you get confused on where to go, please feel free to ask some of our helpers! And a quick side note, you are extremely pretty!" He said smiling at me.

I sheepishly chuckled and grew really flustered.

"Ahh thank you!" I said before quickly scurrying off to where Aeri was.

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