champagne problems

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Title from 'champagne problems' by Taylor Swift

Summary: Kara proposes to her girlfriend on game night and things don't go as planned.

Established Kara/Lena relationship 

* * *

Something was off. Lena Luthor could feel it the moment she stepped into the apartment she shared with her girlfriend. Or maybe not off perse, but something was definitely happening. It was buzzing in the air, in the excited smiles on her friends' faces, in the way her girlfriend's blue eyes were sparkling like champagne. 

'Lena, you made it!' Alex Danvers greeted cheerfully, and probably a little tipsily, judging by the empty beer bottles by the sink. 

Lena raised an eyebrow as she shrugged off her coat and hung it by the door. 'I live here,' she pointed out. 'And it's game night.' She couldn't remember the last time she had missed one of these evening gatherings. 

'It is!' 

Hearing the commotion at the entrance, Kara quickly swooped in with a 'hey, Lena.' She turned her sister around and sent her on her way to the living room where the rest of the gang was. Her gaze landed back on her lover and a warm smile appeared on her lips. 

'Hey, you,' Lena returned with a similar expression on her face. She closed the distance between them and instinctively fell in Kara's embrace. She breathed in the apple-scented perfume and placed a soft kiss on the exposed skin of her neck before pulling away. Kara's arm stayed wrapped around her body as they took in the scene in front of them. 'Is Alex drunk?'

The blonde laughed. 'Yeah, she came over early to help set things up and she wanted to start the pre-party so it wouldn't 'suck when everyone arrives', as she so nicely put it.'

'She's done a very good job. You both did,' the Luthor commended. 'We should join them before they manage to set the couch on fire.' She turned her attention to the reporter beside her only to notice the blue eyes staring at her affectionately. An eyebrow arched, she asked, 'what?'

'You make me happy,' Kara answered easily, a grin taking over her face when she saw the light blush appearing on her girlfriend's cheeks. 

'Glad to hear I'm not failing this whole dating-thing,' the CEO joked before adding, 'you make me happy too, Kara, more than I could have ever imagined. I love you.'

'I love you too, and au contraire,' the blonde exclaimed with an exaggerated French accent. 'You're acing this girlfriend-arrangement, in fact I especially love this one thing that you do with your mouth.'

Lena smirked. 'Oh? What thing?'

Kara's lips landing on hers was all the response she needed. She savoured the taste of vanilla lip balm and... She pulled back and frowned. 'Did you have potstickers as your pre-dinner snack?'

Kara smiled sheepishly. 'I might have.'

'And were you going to pretend that you hadn't and suggest we order potstickers for dinner?' 


The Luthor shook her head in amusement. 'You've got my full support.'

Kara grinned. 'You're the best.'


The evening was going well. Lena hadn't encountered any major surprises and as the sun went down, she felt her guard do the same. Maybe she had just been tense from a long day at the office, she thought to herself. Or maybe the Luthor-paranoia got the best of her. Either way, there seemed to have been no reason to worry. Right when she had managed to convince herself of the fact, Kara pulled out the Monopoly game from under the coffee table. Lena froze. While the board game had historically resulted in exactly one positive outcome, she wasn't willing to bet the chances that it would happen again. The game itself wasn't what the cause of her worry though, it was the lack of reaction from their friends. The name alone was enough to earn groans of protests under normal circumstances, but now, no one seemed particularly bothered by it. More so, they seemed excited to play. 

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