The universe doesn't allow perfection (yet here you are): part 5

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A/N: In comes Sam Arias. Here's a short backstory so you can follow the story. Lena and Sam first met in Metropolis when Lena saw Sam working late at the company LuthorCorp had acquired. They become friends and Sam eventually decides to take a psychology course (which Lena paid for partly) while working part-time to earn a degree. Once she'd done that, Sam moved to National City to work for an organisation that helps children who are in similar situations she was is when she was younger. Yeah, that's about it.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading! 

Enjoy! x

PS: spot the Once Upon a Time reference

Five: You shine like a million suns ablaze
(A Million Suns, Hillsong UNITED)

Three months later

'Luthor,' Lena Luthor greeted mindlessly as she answered the ringing phone on her office desk.

'Arias,' the caller mocked.

Lena smiled as she sat back in her chair. 'Sam Arias. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?'

'Is it a crime to call my best friend without making an appointment first?'

'When your best friend is Lena Luthor, then I'm inclined to say yes,' the CEO teased.

'Wow, just when I thought your ego couldn't get much bigger, you manage to prove me wrong.'

'You know I'm only teasing you, Arias. Don't tell me you've grown soft on me?'

'Surprisingly, not engaging in a battle of sarcastic comebacks with you on a daily basis, has made me a more gentle soul.'

'Are you calling me a bad influence?' The Luthor asked, feigning offence.

'I'm not calling you a good one,' Sam replied playfully.

'Remind me again who helped you pay for your part time psychology lessons? And who babysat Ruby while you were out working until the crack of dawn?'

'Do I really have to bring up May 16th, 2018?' The single mother pointed out, mentioning the fateful night where Lena had managed to convince her best friend to go out and get themselves drunk enough to break into an amusement park at night, which ended with them being bailed out by one of Sam's friends who, of course, received the sum total back. That was when Sam had learned that Lena didn't always have the best ideas despite her elevated IQ.


'How long has it been since you moved to National City?'

'Give or take six months.'

'Did you miss me too much that you decided to follow me in across the country?' Sam teased.

'I'd be lying if I said you didn't influence my decision making,' Lena admitted. 'How are you? How's work? And Ruby?'

'I'm doing alright, work is good and Ruby is extremely happy that her billionaire godmother is in town,' the single mother summed up.

'Oh, so I'm just a bottomless piggy bank to her,' the Luthor feigned sadness. She knew her relationship with the child ran much deeper than that.

'Why else would I've made you her godparent?'

'You're breaking my heart, Sam Arias.'

'Now look who's gone soft. Does your reporter girlfriend have something to do with that?'

Lena froze at the mention of her lover. 'How do you know about her?'

'It's a funny story actually. You heard about that alien attack at the pier, right? I was there with Ruby when that happened-,'

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