36 - Runways (EP. 01)

Start from the beginning

“So you mean, you have more of those for me to tear off you?” Elsa smirked.

Aiden brushed their noses together, taunting the proximity between their mouths. He inched his lips closer to her ear, watching her keen in impatience after hearing his choice of words.

“As long as you don’t mind me tearing some of yours, then we’re even.”

Elsa’s eyes all but darkened. She’s not even going to lie, she liked seeing this highly unconventional side of the man whose highest form of mischief was usually teasing and occasional stolen kisses.

“Deal,” She practically growled.

A hefty buzz originating from the nightstand interfered with the blonde’s statement, alarming Aiden since he recognized that sound. Kissing her cheek, he settled her gently on the mattress to retrieve his phone beside the lamp.

7:45 AM
You’ve got a notification.
REMINDER: Milan Runway

“Right,” Aiden sheepishly scratched his head, “Today’s the big day.”

Elsa grinned widely, hopping off the bed with ease. Hurrying to the bathroom, she swiftly put on a robe. “We better get ready then. Director Liam’s meeting us at 9 to settle other preparations for tonight, after all.”

He made his way towards her direction and scooped her up bridal style, the two of them falling into a heap of limbs back on the sheets, “How does five minutes sound?” Aiden winked.

“As much as I would adore those pleasing minutes,” Elsa dotingly admitted, “We both know we like to take our time.”

Aiden smiled and nodded primly, releasing her from his arms. Before completely parting away, however, Elsa made sure to close the gap between their lips once more. The passion they poured into it drove the air straight out of Aiden’s lungs, and if they didn’t have better control they would pay less, less consideration getting out of that bed.

Like any matter of getting ready in anyone else’s account, Aiden roughly took one fourth of an hour to shower. Elsa had her turn first, so she was already at the pinnacle of her preparation by the vanity. She caught him warily glancing at the make-up kit, and knowing that certain looked all too well, she chuckled.

“Ah-ah,” Elsa mildly chastised, “No. I have to, love. I need to look my best.”

“But you always look your best.”

The blonde giggled, “Stop flattering me and put on a shirt already.”

“Alright, alright,” Aiden laughs, disappearing behind the changing screen after nearly tripping on a stray piece of clothing, “Don’t rip this one though. It’s formal.”

“No promises!” Elsa grinned.

“And hey, darling?”


“Give me your next kiss—after we win.”

Her eyes glimmered. Certainty was sewn so finely among his request, making her remember the changes he made within himself yesterday.

“You sure you won’t be having a hard time?” Elsa cheekily banters.

“Not entirely now.”


The next time he saw her, Aiden thought she looked like a goddess.

The mermaid dress had the glistening color of space, its satin fabric beaded and aptly glittered from top to bottom to echo the ethereal existence of the stars. The thin straps supported an intrepid open front, showcasing a vastly deep v-neck that framed the milky tone of her skin perfectly. The divided parts that shielded the bust were constructed with white lace and studded with rhinestones, extending until her hips. Her platinum blonde tresses were fixed in their usual updo, yet with two strands separated and curled by each side of her face.

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