62 - Judgements (EP. 02)

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He just needed to walk.

They were simply a courage away, something Aiden’s legs refused to acquire, something his entire body denied. Nervosity was basically baggage that weighed like a false universe which could crawl under his skin any second, and get away with the tremors and marks it would leave—along with the hesitancy that defeats all of his ‘You have to move. You need to move.’ The heavy beats of his heart practically begged for him to go.

He couldn’t walk. Couldn’t go.

Couldn’t be brave.

The horizon above the wide formation of the airport overwhelmed him further, and the moon was ready to take reign of the dimming southern sky. The wind was aggressively opposed to his hair, his raven tresses wafting like the edges of his scarf. Meanwhile, Kai had already surpassed his confidence, as the butler behind him made his way down the short flight of stairs that led to main ground so he can patiently await for their likewise exit. 

Elsa stood beside him, feeling ridiculous she was just staring at him with the same uncertainty. She didn’t have the same reason, but seeing his reluctance affected her own. Her hand instinctively crawled over to his, and he read her concerned gaze and completely entwined their fingers together, liking how instinct was threaded with her touch. Feeling every healthy vein from his hand, she leaned in closer and comfortingly kissed his jaw, sending him a supporting look.

Aiden shot her a grateful glance, before Claire appeared on his other side. “Are you okay, papa?”

He did everything he could to control his breathing. Aiden turned to the little girl and bent down to her height, a small smile gracing his lips. Deep blue, beautiful and alive, Claire’s eyes were alike of a doll’s. She was such a sensitive child, even at a superbly young age. Elsa was, and would always be her remarkable teacher.

“Of course, little darling. I’m okay. You and your mama helped me to be. But, I think Papa needs your help again.”

“What is it?” Claire eagerly asks, now bearing a toothy grin.

To make his request more vivid, the director made his body rumble, wagging his head robotically to mimic a a mechanic creature. The child’s face quirked, and her laughter was a tranquilizer to Aiden’s unsteady nerves.

“We are now ready to breach the premises, Captain Winters. Although, auto-pilot is not applicable to this jet model. How do you think we should aid this situation, young captain?”

Aiden beckoned to his back and flashed her a wink. Claire’s eyes twinkled at this, instantly hopping on the generous offer, “Piggy back ride!”

“Seatbelt on?” Aiden managed to say, banishing his anxiety with a smile. He felt her weight pressing on to his spine as she climbed on without wasting a moment. Claire latched her arms around his neck securely and energetically yells, “Seatbelt on!”

Elsa cannot help but be in total awe of her fiancé’s clever way of overthrowing his doubts. She knew Claire’s enthusiasm was one of the things he is unable to reject, and he knew the gesture was going to make the girl happy. He is either too beautiful to exist, or he is merely one of a kind.

Aiden has grown.

They have grown.

Hilariously in truth—despite the breakneck speed he broke into after hauling a crazy nitro of faith—it felt like running for the edge of an imaginary cliff with an aimless intention. He allowed the fun to extend for a little more after he, at last, got to main ground himself. Trailing just behind, Elsa caught up with them fairly, their antics too much to not giggle at.

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