57 - Eclipses (EP. 02)

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The hazy sight of the night stand, emphasizing the sight of the windows welcoming the rarity of velvet skies. Her eyes fluttered open, this time completely, and apparently fog was lazily kissing the window panes outside. It felt drafty beyond the boundaries of the blankets. Elsa was also starting to think dawn was probably the only period of time the sun decides to slow down, to let people realize that today is the 11th day of January-or to let her know that they're twisted in nothing but bed sheets.

Her smile softly grew. She liked the room dim. She also liked how his hand was both clean and rough as his arm trapped her waist, the roughness most likely caused by the grip he usually has on a pencil during office hours. She inched herself closer, their hearts now rubbing together, and it made her own ache in delight to follow every beat his heart expelled.

Elsa however, not only liked, but loved the fact that the universe was so big, loved that there is only one of him, that they are so small and the world didn't shrink for them to find each other.

But they did. And she couldn't imagine her life without him now.

A finger massaged a tentative spot on her spine. His chin was nestled against her hair, and it slightly moved on top of her head since a yawn just escaped his system.

Aiden was awake.

"Morning, darl," He husked, the massive hard planes of his chest pressing to her so snugly, "You the early bird today?"

"Mmh," She responded, her lips kissing the corner of his, "And the early bird sees no reason fit to let you out of bed."

"Doesn't she?" Aiden smiled.

"Absolutely," Elsa smirked, noticing that the sheets were slipping off half of his form. Smoothing her palms over each fine muscle he reveled, she kissed him fully, as her dainty fingers landed on the patches of skin.

She fell quiet.

"... Thank you, love. For yesterday."

And the other yesterdays you were in, too.

Aiden said nothing, but just sleepily grinned, pecking her forehead while he tightened the sheets around them. He knew she already knows what he would say at this rate, at how far they've gone-and it's funny how some distance, makes everything seem small.

He could also feel her taking advantage of their state, which elicited a laugh from him. She busied herself by peppering bites and pecks all over his throat, whilst his fingers played with her platinum blonde tresses.

Elsa finally paused, rising herself on the pillows a little to stare at him, and she found him gazing back. His eyes slowly crawled upward, and he read the clock with glee.

"You can start talking now."


"5 AM, darling," Aiden whispered, "Though we don't need phones since we're beside each other. Now go on."

"But what should I tell you though?"

"Anything," He murmured, "Just anything, please. For me."

"It's supposed to be your turn now that I think about it."

"Well, what about a compromise. You ask me a question about you, and I'll answer. That a deal love?"

"Aw, you win," Elsa laughed nervously, "Okay. Well..."

Elsa pondered briefly, brows knitting so adorably in thought.

Elsa turned to the ceiling, eyes half-lidded.

"Why do you love me, Aiden?"

She said his name. It was a question that also asked many more. It wasn't commanding, nor was it interrogative. She knew he does love her-there are so many expressions of it he has painted with his heart as his palette. This is probably the first time she managed to think of the day he pushed her away from the gunshot.

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