14 - Aftershocks.

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Arendelle Residence | Evening

“Oh thank the heavens, you’re both safe!”

She hated being devoid of emotions, and at the same time she hated how overwhelming they would be. It was Gerda’s arms that were looped around her that caught her tired body when the head maid saw her pass through the entrance looking rather disheveled.

And in a monotone manner she returned the embrace; fully in mind that the older woman squeezing her comfortingly was one of the two loyal guardians which insisted to stay after her parents’ accidental death.

Elsa noted that the obvious tension was still there—the four year old passionlessly avoided eye contact with her with a bowed head. Raw envy bloomed viciously in her after seeing the child rush to hug the debonaire man’s leg; but guilt quickly replaced that since she knew she was the one at fault.

It’s always her fault.

Heine flashed the young blonde a small smile and ruffled her hair, earning the tiniest of chuckles from Claire, “Bye-bye, little Kære,” His Norwegian side showed shortly, and he waited to see the meek wave of her pudgy hand.

“I’ll best be on my way,” Heine’s tone turned solemn, as he made his way towards the tall doors leading to the extensive garage. She saw Kai move forward to assist the spent director to call the faithful valet, and his blue orbs flickered to hers and soon to the present staff’s, “Goodnight to you all.”


His Gucci steps instantly halted there. She couldn’t look at him, but the Executive Director felt the gratitude widely soaring within her words, “Thank you. For everything.”

He closed his eyes, and although she’ll always be welcome, he quietly replied, “Don’t only thank me. If you want,” he gravely continued, “I’ll join you to see how he’s doing back in there,” And with that, Heine left, spinning his car keys as he walked until Elsa heard the indistinct rumble of the director’s Benz and the constant sounds of departure.

Her stomach churned; and her anxiety grew.

“Sweetheart, are you hungry?” Claire shook her head after hearing the maid’s concern. Gerda smiled lightly, “If you are, call me anytime. I’ll tell Leo to cook you something in the kitchens. Before I forget, your bath is being drawn.”

“M-may I please have a minute with her, alone?”

Gerda nearly shuddered, but she subdued it and nodded. She didn’t really want to leave, and she wanted to resist the command of her mistress—whom she had considered as a daughter for so many years—in order to make sure everything would be okay, but she couldn’t. The last thing Elsa heard from her was her faltering footsteps to return to the staff’s quarters.

So she concentrated all her attention on Claire—her sweet, baby Claire who is always clad in an overall and her favorite white shirt, her little love, who has the sweetest smile that could heal any broken hearts out there. Who is always conversing with the pristine stuffed bunny which seemed to be always by her side, the enthusiastic child always swinging her feet as she sings her little heart out whenever she plays, the other chocolate addict in the mansion, the one who would put her best efforts on every wrinkly drawing of her and her mother out discovering the ends of a rainbow.

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