9 - Triggers.

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T’was a stormy day when the rich scent of wine escorted by strawberry scented breaths skimmed through the rugged air as pressured wheels would brush against rock and dirt every now and then; the escalating vigor of the howling of the wind’s intensity outside the dim, abstruse roads formidable and firm. Even accompanied by such, flasks were screwed open and met humid lips.

A black van—violently roaming the desolate roads like a sly snake.

A dangerous glint crossed Elgon’s irises as he caressed the firearm lying on his lap as if it was some pet. Fingernails dug hard against the lucullan, leathery cushions of the grand Hyundai, and booted heels were crossed in relaxation as the engine grumbled when the roving vehicle sped way past the 10km limit.

“Like I said right before boys, you wouldn’t want filth on your hands, do you?”

“We wouldn’t mind at all even if we aren’t under your orders, Davis. After all... There is no such thing as a clean slate,” The man in black smirked from the back seats, “Your given bidding is only amateur for us. But I gotta admit, the payment’s mighty nifty if I do say so myself. It’s more than we’ve seeked.”

“I am only ensuring you’ll do what you’ll have to do, gentlemen,” Sneered Elgon, “The Winters’ Residence has two guards stationed during the day, and since when did y’all hear two winning against a gang?”

“My, you’ve got your tactics planned out real well. All this trouble for a woman, Davis?” The leader chuckled in amusement, the vicious noise of ammo being loaded into a stainless pistol, “You can have any girl you want. What makes this one so special?”

Tentatively tilting his fedora, Elgon smiled wickedly and sighed softly, “She’s not just any woman. She’s the prize worth the gamble.”


The faint fragrance of recently trimmed grass tickled Elgon’s nostrils as he bent down to the verdant green tendrils blanketing the soil. Gloved hands gripped onto the man’s hair as he tilted his head up to meet the inhumane beast’s eyes; amber orbs staring down at him with a wintry look.

The man furrowed his eyebrows, provoking the swollen patches of purple bruises on his face to swell as he glared at the hooded man staring down at him with malicious mirth.

“You will never have her–Elsa–”

Elgon smirked at that, letting out a low chuckle before his face manipulated into a snarl. His albino eyes ablaze with determination as it bore itself onto the man below him. “Silly guy. Don’t you see?” He said and after a short pause, his voice twisted its tone from mocking to resemble a frostbite; showing the pearl white teeth hidden underneath.

“I already have.”

A pause of tension radiated between them when a husky voice erupted from behind,“The rest of the guards have been cleared, Davis. The mansion is all that’s left. Pretty place if you ask me.”

A faint smirk emerged from the corner of Elgon’s mouth before abruptly dropping down the security guard’s head back to the grass, his weak existence already forgotten as he rose back up to his full height.

“Raid the castle and find the brat upstairs. The rest of you all will make sure that no one in there gets to do anything.”

The rough, burly man behind him grunted in affirmation before calling in the rest of his thugs and breaking through the mansion doors, the threatening, unsheathed presence of guns causing each frail maid to cower and retreat further away to the lavish columns of the main hall.

The CEO stepped inside the luxurious establishment. A maniacal grin twitched his dimples as he watched how each staff member was forcefully dragged and hauled altogether to face him—their blood could only boil helplessly under their skins.

“Now, now, we don’t want any trouble, don’t we?” Elgon gleefully jokes, completely not minding the situation in place as he wagged a pestering finger in front of them before furrowing his eyebrows, his throat letting out a low growl.

“The formula is quite easy to get, folks,” Elgon hummed, his amber eyes brightly gleaming with delight as he observed the squirming group. Each person looked at him in fear, feeding the determination written in his merciless gaze, “Nobody move. Unless y’all want blood on the spotless floor, that’d be a shame.”

A lengthy time of silence prevailed between them, and my, my, Elgon smirked mentally, the audacity.

Kai braced himself and felt like his lungs were struggling to cooperate, and he yelped when one of the goons tightened their hold around his restrained arms, “You’re nothing but a coward, Elgon. Elsa can never marry a monster.”

The head butler spat on Elgon’s face and muttered a sordid prayer under his breath. He was stout and uniformed, and wrath was vicious in his eyes. The rest of the staff members looked at him with widened eyes at his bold step.

Elgon recoiled a bit, astounded at the shorter man’s maneuver. He stuffed a cloth encased hand in his pockets and wiped his insulted face as he furrowed his eyebrows in anger before it quickly snapped into an entertained smile.

“You seem smart, I have to hand it to you,” he briefly raised his arms, but they fell back to his sides when he grinned, “But we didn’t invade a whole mansion without retrieving something.”

He paused, stepping forward to get a good look at the staff member’s faces as it slowly morphed into pure horror.

“Or someone.”

And as if on cue, the man dressed in black called out to him—and in his hands, he held Elsa’s most treasured girl; traumatized tears prickling her lids. The four-year-old clad in an overall was overly paralyzed in fear.

Elgon aww’ed at the child as his feral orbs trailed every inch of Claire’s petrified expression to get a good view, intensifying the mortified look on the mansion staff’s face.

“Now, gentlemen, our business is done here. Get the kid outside,” Elgon ordered and they all hastily let go of the mansion staff, leaving them shaken and in fear on the marble floor as they all walked out with a trembling Claire, Elgon being the last one to leave.

And as he stepped a booted foot outside the marble stairs of the mansion, Elgon looked back to the staff a final time; flaring the evidence of his monstrosity without a care.

“Oh, and do be sure to let your mistress know who her precious little girl is with,”

He allowed a candy sweet chuckle to escape his lips before the endearing taste of wine greeted them.

“Unless she wants her back, that is.”

To be continued
on the next chapter...

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