31 - Clouds.

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Everything was shrinking in Aiden’s perspective, as he peeped through the aircraft’s window.

He felt like a child thirsty for thrill since the take-offs never get old, though this was just his second experience.

Without restraint, his back crashed against the leather backrest and his heart pounded faster the more his feet could feel how high they were being elevated; and the next time he glanced at the window he saw nothing but misty white.

The day has finally arrived, and oh was he quivering deep down. His body felt warmer than usual, and the sweat his neck was giving off dampened the fabric of the neck pillow he brought along.

Aiden knew his body was in perfect condition and it was just his composure wobbling to his despair. How ever wouldn’t he panic when Milan was just a few hours away riding a private jet? And he wasn’t even one of the models to walk in the runaway.

After meeting up with Elsa at the mansion, he had to witness a poor little Claire clinging to her mother’s skirt whilst pleading to be able to come along. Aiden already did the math—Anna was unable to come along as she will take substitute of her older sister’s stead for the next two weeks, and it was a business trip after all. He could only ruffle the four-year-old’s hair and promise to bring home a present to lift up even some of her spirits. He has grown rather fond of the girl’s innocent smile; he didn’t like a frown in its place.

The atmosphere feels new, with the lesser passengers on board. The Creative Director, Liam, was the only companion they had, who seemed to be busy doing something with his laptop.

“Aren’t you dizzy staring at the window for so long?”

He whirled his head to catch her weary gaze. If his guess was correct, she was at the same state as he is, though hers wasn’t out of anxiety. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and she wasn’t looking at him directly to avoid increasing her nausea. Her brows were knitted, almost furrowed and her eyes were closed, a bead of sweat cascading from her brow to the side of her face.

“Are you alright?” Worry replaced his own vertigo.

Elsa nodded rashly. Not quite satisfied with her answer, Aiden gathered his confidence, “Come on. Rest on me.”

Her eyes softly fluttered open upon his generous invitation. He looked away in embarrassment, realizing how insistent he sounded. She gratefully accepted his offer and kissed his cheek as a thank you, letting him extend an arm around her shoulder to maximize her comfort.

“I-i’m nervous.”

“Don’t be,” Elsa comforted, “The world will merely find out who Aiden Laurant really is through a showcase of his work. Nothing so bad, isn’t it?”

Aiden sighed. “I just, I d-don’t... I just don’t want to let you down. Elsa, you’ve–you’ve given me so much, it is only my desire to repay you by doing something for the company and most especially...”

Her hand clutched his, encouraging him to continue. “I want to be the son that will lift up his mother, I want to be the greatest man you deserve.”

Elsa’s eyes glistened briefly. She was happy and touched that he bore this immense determination just because of her, and she loved how high his respect was for his mother and how he never forgets to include her in his vast dreams.

𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰Where stories live. Discover now