13 - Till death do us part

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The midnight air was was chilling and crisp. The breeze grazed your face filling your nose with clean air. It was around Midnight now and you don't know how long you've been out here but, it must have been for a while for it to reach this late. You're phone buzzed next to you. The temporary lit screen gave you a brief look at who texted you. It was your boyfriend of 5 years, Denki Kaminari. He said he'll be home soon and it made you smile. Dating a pro hero is hard. You never know when they'll be home if they ever do come home. It's nerve-racking to think that your loved one could never return to you. But you had faith in Denki. He would never leave you without saying goodbye. 

About 30 minutes later you felt a presence behind you. You turned around to see Denki standing behind you. He was no longer in his hero costume but instead was in a button down dress shirt and his "nice pants" as he calls them. You noticed he had a bag in his hand. It had a brand name of a store on it but, it was angled where you couldn't read it. You gaze at it for a moment before looking ahead once more. He finally takes a seat next to you letting his feet dangle off the edge of the building. 

"How long have you been up here?" He asked you breaking the comfortable silence. 

"Probably an hour or two? Honestly, I've lost track of time. I couldn't sleep so I decided to come up here. Then I guess I zoned out for a while. What's in the bag?" You replied.

"Any particular reason for your zone out?" He asked.

"Nope, not a single thought was running through my brain. Kinda like when you, y'know." You say with a smile.

"Heyyyy, don't compare my brainpower outages to your zoning out. It's different," he said with a sassy tone.

"If you say so. What's in the bag?" You ask once more.

"You'll soon see. Now do me a favor and put something nice on, please?"

"Your acting weird, more than usual. Also, define 'nice'," You say.

"Okay first off, I'm not weird and second "nice" as in a dress or a button down shirt, or something."

You chuckle and get up from the edge of the roof. You head to the door leading down into the apartment. You turn to look back at him and he's still sitting there, enjoying the city skyline like you do. Oh how you adored him.

Now inside, you head for your shared bedroom. You remembered while out with Mina one day, you had gotten a new outfit you had been dying to wear.

"I think this fits his description of 'nice'," You say.

The outfit was beautifully pieced together as if it were made for you. Quickly slipping into it you look at yourself in the mirror. The way the fabric hugged in all the right places and how it matched your eyes making them seem brighter was just too perfect.

"I know I look good but damn, I'm fine." You say with a slight laugh.

Now that you were dressed, you decided to fix up your hair a bit. It was your day off so you had bed head all day not to mention you also stayed in your sweats too. Now fully ready, you head back out of the apartment and up the stairs leading to the roof. before you could open the door, you noticed a faint light source coming from behind the it.

That's odd, there are no lights on the roof, so where did this come from?

Hesitant, you open the door and walk through. Almost instantly your breath was taken away. The roof was lit up with fairy lights twinkling in the night sky. A singular table was set up with a white table cloth draped across it. Minatare candles sat in the middle of the table with cherry blossom petals scattered all across. Denki, on the other hand, was nowhere to be found. You walk forward slowly just taking in the view. You found yourself at the table and noticed plates and silverware set up as if it were a restaurant.

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