10 - Wait For Me...

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Because the song is short I will recommend a place to start it, but you can always play it whenever :)

It was a Friday night around 8pm. You and Denki were in your shared apartment just hanging out. You managed to make him finish some hero work he had put aside since Monday. Suddenly his phone rang and he jumped up to go answer it, stepping outside to take the call. A while later he came back into the room looking sad but immediately started smiling once he had noticed you were looking at him. He got into bed and pulled you down next to him. He arms wrapped around you and he buried his face into your back. 

"what's this for?" You asked

"Nothing, I just want to hold you close." He said, his tone of voice changed from happy to sad and tired. You thought nothing of it since you both had been doing work for a while. Anyways after some time of just laying in his arms, you soon fell asleep. Once he noticed you had drifted off, he got up and pulled out a suitcase from under his bed. He started going through his clothes throwing random things into the bag. He went over to the closet and slowly pulled out his hero costume. He went into to the bathroom to change. He came out fully dressed in his costume and looked at himself in the mirror. He started to feel his face heat up, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. He crouched down to the ground and let himself cry silently, not wanting to wake you up.

"This is the life I signed up for when I said I wanted to be hero." He said in between huffs of air. "I need to endure this."

He looked back at your peaceful body sleeping in his bed. He got up, wiped his tears, then walked over to you. He placed a hand on your face and gave your head soft kisses. He then went to a notebook he had left out and ripped out a piece of paper. He grabbed the nearest pen or pencil he could find and started to write.

He pulled the now fully packed suitcase out the room and down the stairs to the front door. He went back up afterwards to grab his keys and shoes. He then looked at you again, still sleeping peacefully. He wish he didn't have to leave, especially so suddenly and without telling you. He just couldn't bring himself to do it. He went back kissed you a final time. By now it was around 9:20pm. He had until 10 to get the the airport so that he had time to talk with Eraser, get his flight situated, and then to catch up with some old friends. There was some driving he had to do so it was best to leave now. He turned off the room lights and closed the door. He went back downstairs to put on his shoes and then grabbed his keys. He looked around the house one last time. His gazed landed on a picture frame of the two of you. He picked up the frame and took out the picture placing it in his back pocket. Finally ready to leave, he dragged the suitcase out the house. He unlocked the car and placed the case into the trunk. He started up the car and the radio came on.

Play the song :)

He revved up the engine and went off down the road. His gaze falling onto the rearview mirror as the house faded from his line of sight. Looking back at the road he made his way to the airport. A 13 hour flight waits him once he arrives. He pulls up in the airport parking lot and hands over the keys to a self-parking" attendant who's gonna watch the car for him while he's away. He unloads the suitcase and headed over to the checking in table. He finds his gate and walks over to the waiting area. From a distance he noticed pro heros Eraser Head and Haws along with some of his old classmates from when he attended U.A

"Hey guys it's great to see you all again. It's been awhile, hasn't it?" 

"We saw each other last week dunceface." Bakugo called out. 

"I mean, outside of the battle field." Denki said. "I see your name calling stuck around." 

"His name calling never left." Deku said. "He still calls Kiri shitty-hair and me a nerd yet he's the one who goes to bed at 9 still and had all straight As." Denki and Deku turn to face Bakugo. All he did was roll his eyes in return and scoff at the VERY true statement. Denki took a seat next to Kiri who had fallen asleep. He noticed that Todoroki was also there as well. He had been quiet the entire time. 

"Alright heros." Eraser head started. "The mission you are about to go on is deadly and dangerous so I hope you said your goodbyes to your loved ones." Everyone looked at each other then back at Aizawa. "I'm not gonna sugar coat anything. I never have and I never will. You all are pro heros and adults now. Anyways, there are possibilities that you guys will get hurt, so be smart. Until then, you have 14 hours amongst yourselves. The flight leaves in an hour." He concluded. While the others congregated, Denki sat in thought. Was the note he wrote enough? Even if it wasn't, it was to late to go back now.

Back at the apartment, you felt this nervous feeling build up inside you telling you to wake up. Once you did, the surrounding area in the bed was empty. Denki had left. You sat up and looked around the room. You noticed the closet doors were open. You could have sworn sometime before you fell asleep, you had closed them. Getting up out the bed to check out the closet, you noticed Denki's hero outfit was gone, this raised suspicion. You turned back around and noticed a note on the side table. You walked over to pick it up and you read it. Immediately tears formed in your eyes. You dropped the note and fell to the floor hugging your knees to your chest. 

"How could he do this, and not even have the nerve to say goodbye."

My dearest Y/N.
How can I put this lightly? Eraser head had called me along with some other pro heros to head overseas to America to assist in an upcoming villain fight. The fight will be dangerous so incase of anything be strong for me. I hopefully wont be gone long. I love you so much Y/n.

Wait for me...


Moments with him || D. Kaminari - OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя