7 - How He Confessed

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Present me: I wanna add that they all went to college after highschool

This story was inspired by - @thequietkid0

The Carnival. A place full of wonder, laughter, and sometimes love. Today was your 4 year anniversary dating Denki Kaminari. He took you to the place he asked you out. Here's how it went.


It was summer vacation, finally. You and your friends had just graduated U.A and wanted to hang out before stressing about college and the whole hassle of going off as young adults. One your besties, Uraraka, suggested that you all went to the Carnival. Of course you all agreed to go and with all the excitement, it just made you all impatient. You settled on a day, a Friday to be exact. Momo promised all of you premium tickets so you all could go on as many rides as you want. This day was gonna become a core memory and you didn't even realize it yet.

The day finally came for your group trip to the carnival. You spent almost an hour fishing for clothing items you should have had ready the night before. You put together an decent outfit, grabbed your phone, keys, and wallet, then headed out the door. Mina said she would pick you guys all up. You knew she was near because you heard music playing from all the way down the block. Instantly you recognized the song, it was F/S by F/A. Even more ecstatic you climbed into the passenger seat, then you and Mina speed off down the road to pick up  the others. 

After picking everyone up, you all decided to get a little something to eat before heading to the carnival. Starbucks was closest so, why not. You all got your drinks and went back into the car, "Oh shit I forgot my wallet." You said. "I'll be right back wait here." You rushed out the door and back inside. You were to focused on your wallet that you didn't look at where you were going and you bumped into someone. The funny thing is that the person was wearing a bright yellow shirt. So how could you have possibly not seem them? "I'm so so so sorry sir. I wasn't loo- Denki?" He turned around and his face immediately lit up. 

"Y/N! What are you doing here?" He asked

"Oh, well stupid dummy over here left their wallet so I'm back."

"Oh, I just saw a wallet, I recognized it was yours so I picked it up, plus I saw you guys outside in Mina's car, so I figured you'd be back." He said holding up your wallet.

"Ah, I'm so glad you found it and not some creepy old man! Thanks sparks!"


The first nickname you've called him. It made his stomach tight, his heart light, his body weak. He's always had a thing for flirting with other girls and sometimes guys, in your case, people. But with you, all his confidence shot out the window. He fell weak at the knees, and his mouth, dry. He felt like he could be himself and actually talk to you, have a conversation with you. And it was only you. Did he genuinely like someone? 

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