2 - Halloween

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I'm no longer sharing my ship preferences.

October 31, 7:30 pm - Halloween
It was the night of Halloween, about an hour before you and Denki were gonna go to a carnival with some old friends from U.A. It's always been a tradition to go to the carnival all dressed and have fun all night. You find yourself in your room, applying the finishing touches of makeup to your costume this year.  The entire friend group was gonna go as the Alice in wonderland characters, you were Alice.

As for everyone else tagging along; Denki was the mad hatter, Kirishima was Tweedledee and Mina was matching him as Tweedledum, Bakugo was the red queen while Deku played a card knight, and last but not least Sero was the white rabbit while todoroki was cheshire cat. And no, It's not weird that grown ass adults are still dressing up. Who said the fun dies down with age?

The group decided to meet up at 8:30 to start winning as many tickets as possible. You know, a friendly little competition between old classmates. Almost immediately Denki and Kirishima raced over to the game where you fill balloons with air by shooting water at the targets until they pop. You walked over and stood angled behind him.

"I'm gonna win you a prize, Y/n!" Denki said, pointing to the cutest stuffed animal you had ever seen. You've never wanted anything more in that moment.

"Alright," You said giddily, "We'll see."

The person running the game had started then Kirishima and Denki instantly started shooting water at the targets. The balloons filled up slowly, Kiri was in the lead. Denki, seeing how close Kiri's balloon was to popping, tried to sabotage him. He poked at his face, tickled at his side, and tried pushing his gun away from the target. But in the end, Kiri did win. Denki turned to you with puppy dog eyes and said. "I'm sorry I didn't get you a prize Y/N."

You smiled and kissed his forehead for reassurance, essentially telling him that it was okay and to not be sad. Kiri saw the whole thing go down. Feeling bad he asked the person operating the game for the same toy Denki was gonna get you. Denki overheard and thought he would get it for himself. Kiri then called Denki over to where he was and handed him the toy.

"Give this to Y/N, they deserve it." Denki was thankful. "Thanks bro."

"No problem bro!" Denki took the toy from Kiri and walked back over to you. You didn't notice what happened since you were talking to Mina. Denki tapped you on the shoulder and had this wide grin on his face. You were confused but happy to see him smiling again. He looked as if he was up to something, maybe hiding something? He then took the toy from behind his back and presented it to you. Your smile only grew when it was the toy he had said he was gonna give you.

"Tada! See I told you I would get it. But don't thank me, thank Kiri, he technically won it for you, not me. I hope you still accept it just the same though." He said with a shy smile, a trait he does not have; shy wasn't in his vocabulary. He handed you the toy and you gladly accepted. You hugged it close to your chest then engulfed him in a hug as well.

"Thank you sparks." You said with a gleaming smile. Denki was ecstatic, practically buzzing. He loved being called nicknames by you. It made his day ten times better every single time. You then made your way over to Kirishima who was conversing with Deku, Shoto, and Bakugo. something along the lines of heros, and all of them were gushing about their favorites. It was adorable seeing them so excited. Anyways, pulling Kiri to the side, you quickly thanked him and gave him a hug too. He was more than happy to see you love the toy as well.

The night continued and the competition was nearing an end since the amusement park was closing soon. You all decided to end it about an hour before the park closed so that you had time to enjoy the rides and get a shit ton of prizes when it was time to go home. In the end Deku won with the most tickets. He had the strategies, and the brain power to outsmart the rigged games. Bakugo, who was pissed off,  came in second. He was so focused on beating Izuku that he forgot he was also trying to win the actual game. And last but definitely not least, in third place was Denki. He just wanted to play games and have fun with his friends, plus, he's genuinely good at carnival games.

After about an hour of rides and gathering prizes it was time to say goodbye.

"I hope we do this every  year!" Mina exclaimed.

"I one hundred percent agree with you, we need days when we're all not busy so we can just hang out." You joined in. Giving everyone hugs, you waved goodbye and got in the passenger seat of Denki's car.

"Any idea what to do now?"  Denki asked

"I don't really know, anything you have in mind?" You answered

"Oh, just a few things." He said with a smirk. Your mind went racing in all different directions.

Pulling up to the house you guys shared, he parked the car in the driveway and helped you out. Once inside you went to the room to immediately change out of the costume and wipe off your makeup. Denki did the same. Now back in the living room you guys sat on the couch underneath a blanket.

"Okay so this is what I was thinking about in the car earlier. Scary movie marathon with snacks and unlimited cuddles. Any objections?" He smiled.

Wow you needed to get your mind out of the gutter.

"No objections, that sounds perfect."

He then put on a movie and you guys shared popcorn and enjoyed each other's company for the rest of the night.

"Also, what did you think I meant in the car earlier?" Denki asked suddenly.


The End ~

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