4 - Denki gets sick

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Every weekday at exactly 5 am, Denki's alarm for work goes off. He'd get up, shower, get ready, make breakfast, put some aside for you, and then leave. Today was like any other; the alarm went off waking you up as well, but he stayed asleep. This was normal because let's be real, no one wants to be up at 5. You'd usually stay awake, letting him sleep in some more, then would wake him up yourself. And so, you did just that.

20 minutes later, you decide to wake him up. You rolled over admiring him for a bit then stretched out an arm to tap him. But as soon as you hand made contact with his skin, something was off. Denki was warm, like, abnormally warm, and he was profusely sweating as well. Concern swept your face and you placed the back of your hand on his forehead then moved down to his neck. You then listened out. His breathing was heavy and ragged. At first you assumed it was a nightmare but that thought immediately was shut down when his eyes popped open and he made a break for the bathroom.

As Denki retched into the toilet, that only made you confirm what you were dreading. He was sick. Sick days are bad when it comes to him. Sneezes can cause temporary blackouts, he has less control of his quirk so that means accidental shocks, and he gets very dramatic, needy, and clingy. Of course you don't mind though, he can be adorable while sick.

You got out of bed and made your way over to the bathroom and entered. Denki was sitting on the floor next to the toilet looking as tired as ever. You sat down next to him to try and provide some comfort; he gave you a weak smile.

"How are you feeling?" You asked knowing damn well he probably felt like shit.

"I feel like shit," See.

"I'm Sorry, love. Looks like today is a sick day." Denki groaned in response. As much as he loved having you take care of him, being at home meant he'd feel useless. No matter how many times you reassure him, there's still a voice in the back of his head that says that he's not doing enough. It's been like that since high school.

"I checked your temperature before you woke up, it's 104 degrees. You have a high fever and since you were just sick, I'd imagine either a stomach bug, or that just comes with the fever." You say getting up off the floor.

"I'm gonna get you some water and crackers. You stay here if you feel you're gonna get sick again."

"Okay..." Denki said weakly as he rested his head on his knees. You left and closed the door behind you, making your way to the kitchen. You grabbed a cup of water, some saltine crackers, and made your way to the bathroom and went inside. You placed the water and crackers down on the counter then took a seat on the floor next to Denki once more.

"Here," you began. "These are for you." He nods and rests his head against the wall. He looked so tired and physically ill. The bags under his eyes were extremely prominent. It's crazy because yesterday he was perfectly fine, and now... Soon enough Denki threw up again. He finished and flushed the toilet, wiping his mouth with a towel and letting out a long sigh. "Better?"He nodded and closed his eyes.

"I'll call the agency and tell them that you're not coming in today. Try and lie down. Don't forget the water and crackers." You walked out and grabbed your phone that was on the nightstand, heading towards the kitchen to make the call. Minutes later you returned to the bedroom to find Denki fast asleep under the covers. You placed your phone down and crawled into bed next to him. Being that it was still in the 5 o'clock hour, you were extremely tired and fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillows.

Hours later when you woke up, you felt more energized and ready to care for your sick boyfriend. Speaking of Denki, he was still asleep and was looking better already. You took his temperature; 99.7, still high but better than before. Now you were gonna wake him up to try and get fluids back into his body. You gently tapped his shoulder and caressed the side of his face, placing soft kisses all over him. His eyes opened up and he greeted you with a light smile.

"It's time for some food," you whispered in his ear. He nodded and followed you to the kitchen, clinging on to the hem of your shirt like a lost child. He sat on the couch, criss-crossed, and waited for you to join him. You got the water and crackers that were neglected an hour ago and gave it to him to nibble on. After that, you gave him some medicine and a blanket.

"Anything you need, love?" You asked, getting up to throw away the empty crackers wrapper. "Just some cuddles and attention."

"Oh so what you usually ask for on a daily basis?" Denki chuckled a little and wrapped himself in the blanket tighter. "And so what if it is. That's the best medicine."

With a laugh you walked over and he opened up a blanket for you to crawl inside. He rested his head on your shoulder and you switched on the TV. A chill movie and quality time is the perfect way to end sick day.

The End ~

Moments with him || D. Kaminari - OneshotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu