I'm sorry Mon Amour for getting ahead of myself, whatever you decide I'm just here to support you.

It's alright Alex, I know you just wanted what's best for me, I could totally understand your worries.

Shifting her gaze to her Dad who is sulkily stood in the corner. Dad?...

Alright, whatever you decide is good for me, sometimes I tend to forget that you're not my little girl anymore and that you can decide on your own now.

I'm still your precious little girl Dad, no one could erase that. I decided that I should stay at Alex, you know I hated hospitals and I know it would be the best idea. I can't go back to Texas not in my condition anyway, and Alicia's apartment is not ideal for a therapy, Cassie went on explaining.

You could stay at my house too you know... you don't have to exclude me Cassandra, I'm your grandmother and I can give you the best care there is.

Thank you grandma, but Alex house is much near in the city and have an easy access to the doctor to come and visit.

It's settled then... Maggie tries to lighten everyone's mood. Well doctor?

It's time to head out for the scan then, let's just wait for the nurse to wheeled you out.

I could do that...volunteered Alex, he just wanted to be assure of anything on Cassandra's welfare.

Okay then let's go, Dr. Calloway preceded.

Before headed out, Cassie ask the rest of her family.

How about you guys, I don't know how long these would take, you can wait or you can head home.

I will go with you and Alex Cass, Alice replied.

Dad, Aunt? How about you grandma?

I hate to admit that my old bones cannot stand the long hours of waiting. I probably head home and will come to visit you everyday until you're discharge. Alfred, Maggie, I can give you a lift.

We will visit you again tomorrow my pet, Maggie assured Cassie.

By the way Alexander, when is the start of the trial? I want those people behind bars for the rest of their lives, we will make sure  that they will pay.

I don't want to talk about it right now Elizabeth, Cassandra is my first priority. Besides my lawyers handled it already, and there's no way they will able to lose the case. Given the amount of evidence, the Howard's are destined for their doom, their fate is sealed already.

I'm glad to hear that, you know I held grudges to people who hurt my family.

Hearing Elizabeth's declaration, Alfred look at her in disbelief.

Don't give me that look Alfred, I don't held you accountable for the past, were just both hurt and said awful words which I regretted most on my part not having a close raltionship with my grandchildren. Hope we can move on and start afresh, these would be my daughter want.

I'm at fault also, and I agree with you on this Elizabeth.

Cassie witnessing her Father and Grandmother finally settled their differences, welcomed the new feeling of elation and relief.

By the way Cassandra, your brother's are coming home, expect a visit from them tomorrow. I just need to inform you ahead of time, you know those two.

Cassie is happy knowing she would see her brothers tomorrow, she missed them since it's almost a year they haven't seen each other, at the same time dreaded the day Alex would meet them knowing how protective they are, her father is much easy to handle. Those two brutes would surely grilled Alex, but she know he can handle them. If they are bullheaded and unpredictable , Alex is tenacious.

After two hours of check up and scan, Doctor Calloway meet them back in Cassie's room bringing the result of her test. He had the smile of a positive indication that all is well.

Alex my boy, you can rest assured now that your fiancee is doing well, no complication at all, only the therapy and she will back on her feet again.

Thanks God exhaled Alice..

Alex and Cassie holding each other's hands beamed with happiness, gazing each other with love and relief.

Well... I'm going to leave now, just make sure plenty of rest Cassandra for your fast recovery. I will check you up again tomorrow. Bye my dear, Alex...and you too Alice.

Oh Cass, I'm so happy and can finally let go of my worries now that you're okay.

I'm happy too Alice, thank you for being the support of strenght in everyone, and thank you for your prayers.

The two women expressed their happiness and gratitude that their friendship stood in the test of trying times.

Mon Amour is it okay if I head home a bit, I need to do some things.

Go on Alex, Alice will accompany me while you're gone. Just do your things and don't worry about me, I will miss you though.

And I Mon Amour....Alex give Cassandra a searing kiss.

That's enough you two, don't make me envy  with your lovey-dovey. I should remind Ethan how remiss of him these days.

Much to Cassie's dismay Alex reluctantly pulled from their kiss.

See you later Mon Amour... Alex leave the two girls gushing out, amused by their teasing.

So, fiancee huh! teased Alice.

Shut up! a blushing Cassie tried to act nonchalant.

But Alice just ignored her and continued being an annoyance to Cassandra, and they have a good laugh about it.

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