All of us look at each other. "SHEESH that girl can sing man" josh shouts over the pounding music. Everyone nods their head in a agreement as I just stare at my girlfriend in astonishment.

As the song comes to a close, Scott motions for us girls as well as josh, who is "one of the girls" without further explanation. Scott states,to grab our square chairs for needy.

The lights turn off and that's our queue to rush up to the stage and set up the seats. I place my seat down and look forward as my girl sits on the stage in front of us. She turns and looks at me with a smile and mouths 'love you' as she tries to regain her breath. I can't imagine how tired she must be, at least the dancers got a break.

We sit on the chairs and pose in our positions as one singular spotlight shines on us and fog encloses us.

The fans scream and reach out to try to hold Ariana's hand.

The instrumental plays as us dancers stay in our pose, almost like poetic statues.Ariana fixes her earpiece and scans her fans with a smile. She lifts the microphone up to her mouth and begins "if you take to long to hit me back, I can't promise you how I'll react"

I look straight from how I'm posing, sneaking a side glimpse of ariana every now and then.

"I can be needy, way too damn needy" she continues. I know this song is pretty emotional for her, which is why we rarely practiced it , and also why there's no choreo. My knowledge is solidified when she starts choking up.

I stay in position as I remember the twins told me to always maintain my stance. I don't think it would be a good idea to move or go up to ariana anyways since there are over 11,000 people here, with recording phones as I might add.

We quickly change position as rehearsed when she reaches the second verse, this time I'm staring directly at ariana with my left leg on my right knee and my head in my hand as I elevate my elbow upon the knee.

"Sorry if I'm up and down a lot" she chokes up.

She furrows her eyebrows at her fans as they start to talk within themselves.

"Sorry that I think I'm not enough"

Ariana sniffs a "and sorry if I s-say sorry way t-too much"

I'm on the verge of running out of my seat to comfort my girlfriend when I realize my effort is not needed as she continues singing.

"You can go ahead and call me selfish"

"SELFISH!" Her fans yell

Ari furrows her eyebrows and her lips slightly curve upwards "but after all this damage I can't help it"


My girl giggles slightly "but what you can trust is I need your touch"


"Imma scream and shout for what I love, passionate but I don't give no fucks, I admit that I'm a lil messed up but I can hide it when I'm all dressed up-

-I'm obsessive and I love too hard, good at overthinking with my heart, how you even think you got this far, this farrr"

"I CAN BE NEEDY" they sing to her. Ariana lowers her mic and grins, covering her mouth with her hand that's holding her mic.

I see her slightly tear up.

"WAY TOO DAMN NEEDY" they sing.

She looks around the entire dome, I assume she's taking it all in. All of them, their here for her. I don't know how she gets used to it, she probably doesn't.

It's in the way she moves ( Ariana/you )Where stories live. Discover now