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We walk up hand in hand to Courtney's door. "I though she lived in your home town?" I ask as Ariana knocks.

"Yeah but I bought her a house here so she would be closer to me" Ariana says. I nod "that's nice".

The front door swings open and I see Courtney motioning for us to enter. "Come in! I'm hungry as fuck because I've been waiting for you guys" she says.

I chuckle and follow ariana into Courtney's beautiful home with our hands still connected. "Shut up its not like we're late" Ariana informs.

Courtney shuts the door behind me and smiles when I turn back to look at her. How is everyone that Ariana is friends with absolutely stunning?

We walk into her kitchen and I see Derek leaning against the counter. When he notices me, he waves "hey y/n" I wave back "hey D".

Ariana raises her eyebrow at Courtney who rolls her eyes with a slight red tint in her cheeks.

"What did you make court?" Ariana asks, taking her hand back from mine.

Courtney's sighs "Ariana you know I can't cook for shit, I bought some ingredients for spaghetti so you could make some for all of us because your Italian and your spaghetti is the bomb!"

I giggle at Courtneys words and she looks towards me with a smile.

She scans me up and down with her eyes squinted causing me to blush and shift uncomfortably.

Ariana looks up at Courtney which causes her to look away and focus on Derek.

What was that about? Jesus Christ.

"Fine, y/n do you wanna help?" Ariana says leaving my side to go wash her hands by the sink. I nod "sure, I'm no Gordon Ramsey but I know how to cut veggies like a pro" I joke washing my hands too.

Ariana giggles and rolls her eyes. "Thanks ari! Let me know when you guys are done, Derek and I will be in the living room" Courtney says leaving the room.

On that note, Ariana gets out a cutting board and a few necessary items from the fridge. After that, she rinses the veggies and places them on the cutting board. She grabs a knife from a cabinet and hands it to me.

"Cut these up while I boil the pasta" she says. I salute  to her "yes ma'am".

I chop up the veggies quickly and pretty darn good, I know how to cook I just never do because Im either lazy or too busy.

I place the knife down and turn back to Ariana who is draining the water from the pot and placing the spaghetti in a colander.

As she gets to work on prepping the pasta with salt and pepper, I wrap my arms around her abdomen and place my chin on her shoulder.

She leans into my embrace and places her free hand on top of mine.

"Stop being adorable and finish cutting the veggies" she says placing the salt down and turning her head slightly towards me.

I kiss her shoulder "I finished a little bit ago baby". She gasps and turns around fully, causing me to let go of her. She checks the cutting board to see if I was joking.

"Holy shit no kidding man, how did you do it that fast?" She says facing me.

I shrug "I know how to cook, my mom always forced me to be by her side when she was making dinner when I was younger so I picked up on a few tricks"

She smiles "well, you have to make me something someday now that I know you can cook"

I nod "I promise I will, someday but I'll let you be the expert today because I actually don't know the right way to make spaghetti"

It's in the way she moves ( Ariana/you )Where stories live. Discover now