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A/n: happy Wednesday loves🥰 here's your weekly update, enjoy!

As much as I'm looking forward for today, I'm not as excited as I realize that I'm going to have to confront Alex. I change quickly and place some perfume before I head out earlier than usual.

My heart pounds in my chest as I notice Alex and Derek eating at a breakfast table. I try and prepare what I need to say but my thinking time is cut short as Alex glances in my direction with a smile.

He waves me over. Oh no...

I walk towards him and Derek. "Hey angel" Alex says standing up and hugging me. I hug back as he kisses my forehead.

I give a fake smile and say "hey". I greet Derek as well. "Morning y/n" Derek waves from across the table.

"You want me to come with you to grab some breakfast?" Alex insists. I shake my head in response. Alex quirks up an eyebrow.

"I'll just be quick" I say. He nods as I walk away and grab a few things on my plate.

My hands are clammy. I don't know what the fuck to say, especially because Derek is there.

I'm stuck in a predicament. I return to the table sooner than I would have liked. There's only two chairs and their both taken up.

"Uh Alex my hands are full, do you think you could grab me a chair?" I ask.

He looks up at me and pats his lap "no biggie sweetheart, just sit your pretty little self right here"

I mentally gag but oblige as I look around, every single chair is being used up.

I sit on his lap and begin to eat. I placed something on my omelette that I've never had before and it's quite delicious, although the back of my throat starts to itch.

Probably just the nerves of sitting on Alex. As I shift around on his lap, I feel his member twitch and grow....erm hard.

I want to just die right then and there. Alex clears his throat and looks at me knowingly.

I lick my lips and look away.

Derek raises his eyebrows at us and when he receives a notification on his phone, he smiles and excuses himself before he leaves.

No no no go damnit Derek! Alex clears his throat "Uh I gotta go use the bathroom real quick, I'll see you at the studio?" He asks.

I nod and remain frozen when he gives me a quick peck on the lips.

I stand up and he races to the restrooms, I giggle knowing why.

I walk to the studio alone and as I'm walking I feel a sharp pain in my abdominal area.

"Arghhh" I growl holding my stomach in pain. I take a deep breath as the pain fades away. What the hell was that?

I breathe slowly as I shake it off and continue towards the studio.

When I enter, I set my things down and start stretching.

I notice Alex come in pants?

I chuckle out loud as he blushes when he notices that I've realized his change in clothing.

I shake my head and resume my stretching but I feel arms wrap around my stomach. I notice it's not the hands I would've liked.

"That's not fair" a deep voice says. My palms start to sweat and my stomach sinks. "Alex not h-here" I stutter.

I need to talk to him, I can't go on like this. I try to pull away but he holds me back.

"Alex stop" I whisper yell. He kisses my neck "your going to get the same treatment tonight" he says into my ear.

It's in the way she moves ( Ariana/you )Where stories live. Discover now